{17} Pashton

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I sat on the couch shooting darts at a target on the wall, "Hey, Paige."

I looked up to see Niall and the drummer guy, Ashton, I think, "Hi boys."

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked, as Ashton swayed from side to side, "I'm fine."

Ashton took a look at the board,watching me intently as the dart stuck very close to the center, "Your aim scares me."

I chuckled, "Yeah, well you should be afraid, drummer boy."

Niall nudged Ashton, hoping I wouldn't notice, and Ashton spoke, "So, it's my birthday today-"

"Happy. Birthday. Sorry, I had no idea." I grinned and stood up, giving Ashton a big hug and pulling away to regain my darts from the board. He smiled sheepishly and looked down, "It's alright. So, we are going to the bowling alley, do you want to come?"

I pondered, I mean I could go or I could stay here and watch Supernatural. Ugh, the choices I have to make lately, "Um, I can try to make it, yeah?"

He nodded nonchalantly, almost as if he was a bit disappointed by my answer, "That's cool too. I hope you can make it."

I caught Niall looking at me sternly.

What's his problem. I pondered, looking around to see if there was anything else around me that he could be looking at with such hatred. They eventually left because of rehearsals and Zoe came in, "Hey, Pai."

"Hi, Zoe. Did you hear about Ashton's party?" I asked, collecting the darts from the door and sitting in my original spot, "Yeah, and we are going."

"I don't know, Zoe. I've been feeling a bit under the weather." I confessed and she rolled her eyes, "No. Paige, you have to get over him!"

I scoffed, "It's not that simple! Ok, I have realized that I'm never going to get over him!"

She sighed and sat next to me, " You're going to get over him, don't doubt that, you will, I can assure you that. It really doesn't matter if it takes days, weeks, or months. But one day the memories won't feel as hard to breathe around, one day they won't reach out and manage to form a lump in your throat. One night, the stars will shine brighter than the night before and something will snap inside of you. That is hope. Hope that that broken heart of yours will be fixed and put back together."

I looked down, realizing she just went all out and I have nothing to say, "But let me tell you this, you will never find the right person, if you can't let go of the wrong one. You deserve someone who knows how lucky they are to have you by their side, and just because you haven't found them yet, doesn't mean they aren't real.

"Sometimes, you have to remind yourself that it'll all be okay, maybe not now, maybe not tonight, but one day. I want you to say it enough times that you'll believe it, not in your mind, but in your heart. Remind yourself that things have changed for a certain reason, you just have to let go and move on. You can't change the past. And let me tell you something, it's going to be hard. You will feel lonely, but just hold on. You will get over him."

I groaned, "But there will be these awkward moments when we'll look at each other and remember how perfect we used to be."

"If he wanted those perfect moments forever, he wouldn't have done what he did." She shrugged and I rolled my eyes. I really hated it when she was right. Sighing loudly, I slumped my shoulders forward "Zoe, my heart is broken and I don't think there's a cure."

She smiled slightly, "For every girl with a broken heart, there is always a boy with a glue gun. Now, let's get you ready for that party."


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