{23} Drama and Silly String

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Paige's POV-

My flight was cancelled. Apparently, the tropical storm had turned into a hurricane, and no planes were allowed in. I struggled in, because my leg was aching since I fell in the airport. I am the clumsiest person in this world. I limped up, to see the boys and Zoe sitting, all seemed frustrated. Zoe looked at me,"Pai.. "

Niall wasn't here though," Where the hell is Niall?"

"He ran away and-" Before they could finish their sentence, I was off. My leg was in fire but I still ran. I avoided anybody that crossed my way. I ran down crowded streets, lonely streets, dead end streets. Everywhere.

And he was nowhere.

And I was lost.


"There must poison in those fingertips of yours, cause I keep coming back again for more. " Someone sung lowly. His Irish accent showing. He kept on singing and I followed his voice to a dark alley way. I saw his blonde hair and tank top sitting on the filthy floor. I sighed and placed my hands on my back pockets," Hey, what's wrong?"

He shrugged,"I found a liquor store and drank it."

I chuckled," You watch Supernatural?"

"The hell is that?" He furrowed his eyebrows in a confused manner. I giggled and sat on the driest spot next to him,"Nothing. Anyway, what made you run away?"

He asked," Aren't you supposed to be in London?"

I replied," Tell me."

He let out a breath," Barbie insulted basically my whole career."

He took a swig out of his beer and I took it from his hands, drank from it, and threw it to the wall across from us," No more drinking. How do you feel?"

"Bad." He answered I coughed,"Bad is not a feeling."

He looked at me, his eyes glimmering in the moon's shine, they were blue with specks of grey, huh, never noticed that," I-I feel lost. I don't know, maybe she's right. I'm fed up with not being good enough."

I shook my head, closing my green eyes," No, you are so much more than good. You are amazing, wonderful, great, all of the good adjectives out there can be traced back to you. And not until you feel lost, do you start to find yourself. And whoever says that you're not good enough, you call me so I can give them a proper slap."

He sighed," Thats what everyone says. But I don't think they mean it."

I smiled and made him look at me by turning his face with my hand," Look me in the eyes, forget about anything else. If you can see a sparkle or a glimmer, tell me."

His eyed turned to mine. He stared at them for a long time, and every time I blinked, I felt self-concious. His eyes moved from left to right slightly, he pointed, making sure he didn't poke my eye,"There it is."

I smiled," If its white I mean it, if its purple its pity."

"How did you know how to do that?"

"Lets just say I can tell pity from truth, might as well share how to do it." I replied. Sure, I was lying like it was my job, but to be honest he was too drunk to notice or even look for signs of deception. Niall chuckled and wiped the tears off his eyes," Thank you, but you still owe me a beer."

I laughed," I figured. Now lets go."

I began to stand up, Niall's hand over my shoulders for support. As we moved along the empty street, we passed very eerie alleyways as my anxiety rose. In that moment, it started pouring," Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

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