{35} Josh Hutcherson and the TCAs

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As I made sure I wouldn't trip in my ankle heels I walked towards the living room at my own pace. I smiled at the nervous boys talking and trying to ease up. I squeaked,"Hi."

All eyes turned to me in unwanted attention. They all seemed to stand as if I was The Queen of England. I swear I saw Niall about to bow. Louis walked over to me, making it to my location in three steps,"You look gorgeous."

"Yeah. Yeah. It took me a while. You know 40 minute calls with Zoe and a few tears later but hey here I am."

The thought of me crying seemed to upset Louis. I placed my hands on his shoulders gently, not wanting to ruin his outfit," I didn't really cry, its a figure of speech, you know only used by me."

He rolled his eyes but seemed more at peace with himself. He pressed our foreheads together and I swear we would have kissed if Lou, their stylist if you didn't know, came out a and tutted,"Paige, lipstick!"

I chuckled under my breath and pulled away,"Maybe next time we meet."

"Yes m'lady."

Harry came up behind him and patted his shoulder. Louis got the hint and moved aside. Harry came up to me and embraced me in a brotherly hug. One that I would have killed for about 3 weeks ago, when Ryder showed up. But I will not let Ryder get in the way of my life. Not tonight.

Harry pulled away and smiled at me,"You look absolutely beautiful."

"Don't I always?" I teased. He responded,"There was this one time..."

I scoffed,"Oh yeah? When?"

"When you came out of that old art class, remember?"

"For the last time, not my fault. She assaulted me."

"She was five. And she was your old best friend." It got quiet between us,"You should go visit her, Eli, I mean."

I nodded in complete agreement with the words that had come out of his mouth just a few seconds ago,"I should. She played a big part in my life."

"She did." He answered,"But lets not forget tonight is about you and nobody else."

I smiled and gave him one last hug. I moved to the three standing boys, who were smiling proudly at me. Liam was the closest one to me and I just went in for the hug. I whispered,"Word of advice, don't say sorry for a whole night, deal?"

He laughed," lets give it a go."

I moved on to Zayn, who also hugged me,"By the way Myrtle dies."


"In the Great Gatsby. She dies."

"Thank you for spoiling everything for me."

"It's my duty and my pleasure."

I moved on to Niall. Niall, Niall, my dearest Niall. I was about to say something that might have come out retarded but thank god he leaned forward and without hesitation hugged me so tight my insides could have been demolished,"I'm sorry for everything bad I did, said, or even thought of you. So sorry."

"Judgement can get the best of people sometimes. Its ok to be one of those times."

We pulled away and I headed back to Louis, who brought me in a hug,"Does Myrtle really die?"

"Like an egg when it hits the ground. Splat!"

"You are so cute that I want to kiss you until your head falls off." I blush a bit at his comment for I am nowhere near cute but quickly recover my sass,"That is what Lohanthony told me once."

Lights (One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora