° F I V E°

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We was on our way to Ohio to see if dad was there. I walk off the plane smelling the air. I took in new information of what happed in the past. I smelt death and fear in this state. Something bad happened.

"You ok"Miguel touch my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine"I smile at him.

"Okay"he chuckle. We got in the cab leaving the airport. "Where you think dad is?"

"I don't know. After what Christopher did. I think he left to an safe place"I said.

"What if he killed him. We saw what he did"Miguel said. I shook my head not wanting to think about it.

"We'll see"I said looking out the window.

°L A T E R°

he cab drop us off at the door of our old house. It looked a dead. The grass was growing on the house giving it a beautiful but scary lookin.

"Let's go inside"Miguel smirk.

"Really. What if Christopher here"I said.

"Your scared of Christopher?"

"No. I'm just saying"I followed Miguel in the house. It looked so old but Christopher scent was here. Look like he been here, but then left.

"We gave to hurry"Miguel said.

"I'll search upstairs"I said walking up the broken stairs. It wasn't crystal no more. Why would Chris want to stay here? When I search upstair, I can smell a different scent.

I started growling once I walk in the bathroom. The smell got stronger and stronger.

"Why y'all here"this deep voice said.

"Who are you"I saw this guy bout to put on his shirt. His chest was very hairy but sexy.

"I ask you a question. Why y'all here!"he yelled. I can feel his spit on me.

"I'm looking for Micah Salvador. Do you know him"I ask.

"I don't him. Your a traveler too"he ask.

"Your gypsy"I gasp.

"No. I'm a werewolf. I work alone"he grab his bag.


I was looking everywhere for dad. I even went in my room. Couldn't find him. As I was walking looking a photos of me and my family, I heard the loudest growl. Christopher!

"Hello little puppy"i turn around seeing Christopher with more felines then I ever seen. Did he repopulated his felines and made his species bigger.

"Hi Chris"I waved.

"Who you looking for your father"he laugh. "he's gone"

"Where too"I said. He threw a jacket at me.

"Figure it out yourself. Just get out of here or I'll make you and your half sister die. Right now" I took the jacket and left out the room.

'aurora'- Miguel

'what up, you found him'- Aurora

'no but I found Christopher and his clan. We have to go'- Miguel

'ok I'm coming'- Aurora

I walk out the house smelling my dad jacket. Only Aurora can do this. She walk out the door with some other dude. I growl out loud ready to fight.

"Calm down. He's good"Aurora said.

"Here sniff this out blood hound"I threw her the jacket. She sniff it out and her eyes got big. "What is it?"

"He left a while ago. He's somewhere in the rocky mountains"she said. I smile and nod my head.

"Ok let's go"I said.

"Well it was nice meeting you two. I should head out"he hop on a motorcycle. He nod his head driving off.

"And that was my motorcycle"I said shaking my head.

Seeking Revenge {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now