Isolation and Lunch (18)

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As soon as Kreuk was gone, Tel shut the door. "What are you doing?"

Zelda looked up at her and shrugged. "I'm trying to stay out of trouble, and like I said... I need some time to think things through."

"Are you trying to back yourself into a corner? Because that's what you're doing."

"What corner?"

"Your reasoning for staying in here is sound, but they can get you here just as easily as they can get you if you're out and about, except when you're here they know where you are," she said in warning.

"You're saying there are people who are going to try and do me harm?" Zelda asked.


"I don't think they can do anything to me."


"I've survived an explosion to the face."

"You what?"

"And Link confirmed... Well, more like let it slip, that I was indestructible."

"What?" Tel repeated, her mouth opening in shock. "Indestructible?"

"Seems so."

She folded her arms. "I've got to tell Kreuk."

"Please don't."

Tel seemed taken aback. "Why not?"

"I don't want people to know I'm a freak if at all possible."

Tel was silent for awhile, and then she shrugged. "If that's what you want, then fine, I won't tell."

"Thank you."

"You made a good move you know."

"What do you mean?"

"Staying in here for the next few days."

"You said it was a stupid, dangerous decision."

"Not if you're indestructible. Danger aside, it proves to the Remnant that you aren't trying to escape or harm us."

Does it now...

"It would be much easier for you to escape if you were able to move about freely. The fact that you want to stay here, under the guard, far away from the exit, inspires trust that you don't mean any harm."

"Me? Mean harm to the ones who kidnapped me? That's ridiculous."

"Refugees are suspicious by nature. We can't just take people at their word. Their lives could be at risk, even in a fortress like this," Tel said, shaking her head. "Anyways, be careful with yourself," she said as she reopened the door.

"I will... thanks."

In the next days, she waited, hoping that she would be taken back to the forest so that Invee could finish what she was explaining... But it never happened.

She did sort of come to grips with all of the information she'd been given... But it was all still such a mess of bits and pieces she still couldn't come to any conclusion.

Once the few days that Zelda had requested were up, she was left to wait for Tel to appear again.

It wasn't until the fourth morning however that her expected visitor finally showed.

"Good morning," Zelda greeted.

"Morning," Tel replied as stepped inside. "Are you ready?" she asked.

"I guess so."

"Good, then let me show you around and introduce you to a few people."

Zelda followed her out of the door, and up a long passageway. They followed a different path than when Tel had taken her outside. She now felt as though she would get endlessly lost inside that place.

They ended up in a large room with just a central burning fire, yet the room held a surprising amount of light. Looking up, she realized that the middle of the ceiling was open to the air. When she glanced down she saw everyone looking at her, and she immediately felt self-conscious.

"Everyone, this is Zelda," Tel introduced, stepping aside and gesturing to her.

"Hello," Zelda said weakly.

The silence that resulted from the introduction made Zelda's stomach turn uncomfortably. An awkward silence pervaded the room.

One girl ran up to Tel, and the woman bent down to listen to the girl's whispers. Then she nodded.

The girl stepped over to Zelda and held up a flower that she had never seen before. "For me?" she asked.

The kid nodded, and she took it from her small hands. "Thank you, it's very pretty," she said, and then she reached behind her and pushed the stem into her braided hair.

The girl smiled wide and then scampered back into the crowd.

Tel smiled and gestured for her to follow, leading them over to a table where some food was waiting. "Help yourself," she said.

Zelda nodded and sat down, pulling a plate toward her to eat. A few kids circled around her as she did, asking her question after question about what it was like down on Starfall. Answering all their questions honestly, she couldn't help but remember when she was as young as they were, bombarding her father with questions just like they were now doing to her.

"Hey Tel?" she asked as the kids migrated away, being summoned by their parents to finish their food.


"What did you mean when you called Link a knight?" she asked again.

She frowned. "You really are persistent with that question."

"I've had a few days to think about it," she said.

"Right, well... I don't know how to answer delicately. But that Link you mentioned, he's a knight of Hyrule."

Zelda's fork stayed still in the food on her plate after she dropped it. "No, he couldn't be," she said, shaking her head. "He didn't act like I would expect a knight of Hyrule to act. Not after how you explained Hyrule to me."

"Whether you believe it or not, that's what he is," Tel replied with a shrug.

"Do you think my father knew who Link was?"

Tel scowled. "I wouldn't know, maybe, maybe not."

Zelda sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. Link, a knight? I guess the swordplay would make sense... as well as the inability to play any video games. I don't think they have technology up here, judging from all the torches. But why did he care if I believed in Hyrule or not? He seemed to use magic, getting his sword from nowhere, Zelda's eyes widened suddenly as she realized... Wait, if Link is from Hyrule, that means...that means he has wings.

Falling Worlds; Zelink, Modern Magic AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now