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I have no clue where I left the story it's been that long since I've updated whoops..

How're you all? Hope you're well.

I've started school now unfortunately and I'm taking some hard ass courses. (Anatomy and Physiology and English 10 honors, Spanish year 2, American Sign Language year 1, and Algebra 2 honors, and the rest are easy.( Biology, Health,)

So yay to hard stuff. Mehp.

This has to be done. 


Today was the day.

The day Louis was going to prepare a meal.

A full course meal.

One that Harry would enjoy.

(Did he already make Harry something?)

He would make it the best damn meal he's ever made. 

And Harry would love it. 

Even if it tasted bad because he was just that good of a boyfriend. 

Louis looked at the recipe he had pulled up on his phone and headed down to his car. 

Lottie had graduated school so as promised, she had gotten her own car, so Louis got his car back, thankfully. 

Louis drove to the store and got the items he needed to make the meal, before he checked out and went back home. 

Louis made sure to very carefully follow the directions, because if you're following the directions word for word, how likely is something going to go wrong? 

He ended up not messing anything up, fortunately for him and by the time he was done, he only had thirty minutes before Harry got home. 

So Louis set up the table, placing the meal dishes in the center, a couple of different sized candles around it, plates and silverware in front of Harry and Louis' seats, and finally a wine class full of grape soda because they're just that classy. 


Harry walked into the house confused. He smelled delicious smelling food, that smelled like heaven, and it made him wonder. Who would've made that food, because Louis doesn't cook. 

But he quickly realized that it was indeed Louis who made it, when he seen his amazingly beautiful boyfriend waiting for him in the dining room. (Harry had taken off his shoes and stuff before walking in.) 

The lights were dimmed and the candles were lit, and it looked just like a scene from a romantic movie. Beautiful, charming, and all-over just perfect. 

"Did you do all this?" Harry asked. Louis smiled a breathtaking smile and nodded once, walking over to Harry. 

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and peered up at his boyfriend, staring into his shining green eyes. 

"Welcome home love," Louis said quietly, capturing Harry's lips with his own. 

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Where stories live. Discover now