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*major time skip of approximately two years*

 A lot of things have changed over the past two years.  Louis had now finished his schooling, and now had his degree. He now had a really good job that payed really well. But he hardly ever used his money, putting most of it into a bank account for savings. 

Harry was promoted in his job fairly well and made just enough where he could pay almost everything. 

And with they're wonderful jobs came  the wonderful house they bought together. It wasn't too large, or too small, but just perfect for them. It had three bedrooms, plenty for when they decided they wanted kids, a large kitchen, a large backyard with an in-ground pool, and so so much more. 

And even with all of this, their relationship was perfect, but there was something missing. 

Something that they both want but neither have the guts to do. Or so Louis thinks of Harry. 


So this is NOT an ending, basically a summary of them from the past two years. If you haven't read my message board, I am returning to writing on Wattpad, but only this, and larrys_love_child. 

I hope you all enjoyed. :*


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