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This was the weekend. The weekend in which Harry was going to propose to Louis. The man he'd been dating for nearly three years.

Harry was nervous to say the least, because he invited all of their family and friends over, only Jay knowing the reason why. Harry hadn't even told his family. Mostly because his mum and sister are the biggest blabber mouths in the entire world, and have constant conversations with Louis. He didn't want one of them slipping up and telling Louis. He didn't want Louis to feel like he had to say yes.

If Louis didn't want to get married, then Harry would deal with it. Sure it'd kill him on the inside, but he'd live. He would live with Louis for the rest of their lives, hopefully, without the marriage label (that Harry only really wants because he's a possessive son of a bitch).

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant