31: Weirdmaggedon Part Three

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I know. I'm so creative with the titles.

Belle's POV

I contacted Hex to get some help with our plan.

"Hex, you understand that we need an angel to help us?"

"I know Belle."

"Also, Mabel and I will need help to infiltrate the Fearamid."

"I'll contact Nicole, and I can help with the second need."

"Good, that's all for now," I said, cutting the connection.

Hex was to contact Nicole. She was kind and gentle, and quite quiet, indeed. Nicole had a halo of silver, large hide-able white wings, and a white, long dress. Brown hair flowed down her back freely, and it looked almost perfect. Her big eyes were brown, but be warned. They could stare into your soul if you weren't careful.

Nicole is one of my friends. The only problem is, she and I are like Night and Day, black and white, silver and gold.

If I was a nightmare, the Dream Angel was a daydream.


Dipper's POV

I had awoken to find my leg shackles to the wall, and a tray of food next to me.

I ate, not caring what it was. I felt like I hadn't eaten in a week!

Soon, Bill came in the room.

"Hey kid! How're you liking my hospitality?" He asked, while my mouth was full. All I could do to respond was nod.

"So, Pinetree. You have two options. Join me in taking over the world or die."

Suddenly, something shook.

The ground.

A loud "BAM" could be heard.

"No no no no no! YOU IdIOT! I'm going to have to kill him now!" Bill screeched. He teleported away.

As soon as I was done with the food he provided, I fell back asleep.

He must've casted a spell before he left.


Belle's POV

Nicole had agreed to help us.

Mabel and I busted down a hole in the Fearamid, where Dipper was being held.

Mabel went into stealth-mode, along with me and Nicole. Hex was to show us the way to Dipper.

Bill teleported to the crash site, where we had killed his doorway. Pyronica had rushed to the scene also.

Look who was about to be punished for ruining the door. Ha. Ahah. Ahahahahaha!

No. Calm..down. Stealth.

We will save Alcor.

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