33: Be My Savior

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Belle's POV

A pure blue fireball was thrown at me. I dodged it, but it was headed straight for Mabel and Nicole.

I couldn't stop it.

Hoping that they were okay, I fought my brother for what was most likely the last time.

"Why Bill? Your demon side! Why let it through?" I screamed, dodging flaming purple chains.

"Oh sister, guilt drove Bill's sane side to letting me in control!"

"Why would Bill feel guilt? He didn't do anything!" I said, throwing fire in my brother's direction.

"Oh dear sister, I felt guilt for what I didn't do! I didn't help you when I could! Ah...ahhaha...AHAHAHA!" He screamed.

I noted that he said "I" instead of "he" or "Bill."

My voice was quiet, monotone.

"You melded together your demon side and your sane side."

"How right you are!" Purple chains held me down to the ground, and a large explosion was heard.

The seal had broken.

And Bill was ready to finish me off.

Dipper's POV


I was about to fall under the menace's spell again, the sleep spell Bill had cast on me while I had not fully restored my power, when BANG!

The door began to shake, quiver, as if something large had been thrown against it.

I started to hear sound from the other side of the door.

Belle's muffled voice, and Mabel's.

Then Bill's. And someone else's that I didn't recognize.

All of a sudden, the door flew open, scattering the seal that was on it-and the seal keeping me asleep-everywhere and nowhere all at once.

"Dipper!" A happy cry, coming from my twin sister, cheered as I began to wake slightly.

"M...Mabel! Don't rush in! There could be traps!" The new voice said.

A beautiful woman - no, Angel stood, her brown hair flowing down her back, and brown orbs glaring at my sister.

My strength was returned to me all at once. A rush flowed through me, tingling down my spine.

I stood. "Who are you, Angel?" I asked, trying to sound as nice as a Mindscape Demon possibly could.

"Nicole. Now, we must be off, Alcor and Stella. Belle is keeping---"


We all ran out of the room, to find that a fireball had just missed Belle.

She was chained to the ground.

Bill was just messing with her.

"Belle! This is your fight! I'll be off now!" Nicole yelled, and teleported away to where I can only assume was the Daydream Realm.

Why'd she vanish? We could've used her help.

A weird color - purple - fireball was flung towards Belle.

The world seemed to slow as I sprung off my feet. Wings sprouted from my lower back, allowing me to make it to Belle in time.

One thought ran through my mind as I took the impact of the attack meant to finish off Belle.

One thought ran through my mind as I was flung across the room because of the sheer force of the impact.

Goodbye Mabel. I'm sure we'll meet again.

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