36: Time for Gravity Falls' Demise

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Gravity Falls' POV (yes like the town is a living thing.)

Pink Flame, rushing past me.
Be My Savior, I called upon thee.
You didn't find me,
Quite in time.
But Through Clouded Feet,
Walking this path,
And Clouded Eyes,
Blocking this path,
The red sky drips blood upon me.
And yet, Through my Clouded Feet and my Clouded Eyes,
I still see,
It's my time to die.
It's time for Gravity Falls' demise.

Belle, the last one standing's POV

I was weak, chained up, and out of magic to defend myself.

Guess you could say I was as weak as a mortal.

Somewhere within the bounds holding me here, I knew there was a way out. I just needed to find it.

Dipper's POV

Who am I?

The question kept repeating itself.

If I don't know who I was, then maybe I must've done something I don't remember or been something and is have no clue. That must be what's preventing me from passing on to reincarnation.

I - I've learned to accept that there's no other way to refer to myself - was deep in thought, when all of a sudden, a brown-haired brown-eyed girl appeared in front of me.

"Wh-who are you?!" I asked in a panic, rushing to the defense.

Why was this girl in this realm?

"Bro-bro!" She exclaimed, and pulled me into a tight hug. She seemed familiar. I wonder why?

That's my name? Bro-bro? Sounds stupid.

I left the tight embrace. "B-but you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

Apparently I knew this pink-clad girl in my lifetime. I just didn't know who she was now.

"You....you don't recognize me?" She asked, tears rolling down her face.

"No..no!" I said, not wanting the all-too-familiar face to cry. "You seem familiar, I just don't remember you."

"B-but what about the whole 14 years of our lives? And the 15th we're in now?"

"Um..." I didn't want to tell her, but I guess I had to. "Girl," I addressed her, having no other name for this girl, "We're d-"

She cut me off! How rude!

"Why are you calling me Girl? It's me! Your twin sister, Mabel! And if you were going to say that we're half demon, I already know!"

"I wasn't going to say that...but that could explain why I can't reincarnate! And us being twins... It explains everything! Especially why I can't remember." I rambled.

She had the memories and I held the instructions to reincarnate.

"Can't remember what, Dipstick?"

"First you call me Bro-bro, then Dipstick....Mabel, what's my name?"

"You don't remember? Dipper is your nickname, and Mason's your real name. Your demon name is Alcor Destruction Cipher!" She exclaimed happily.

"I don't remember...anything." I told Mabel.

She audibly gasped.

"And Mabel, I wasn't saying that we're demons earlier. I was going to tell you...We're dead."

She started bawling. Rambling about someone titled "Grunkle" Stan and another Grunkle called Ford. About Candy, Grenda, Mom, Dad.

I didn't even know who those were.

Then she said a name...one name that brought back a few memories.


I froze.


Yellow, black, beauty.

I remembered the sight of her in my hat.

"Dipping Sauce?" Mabel had noticed my tenseness.

"Belle...she wore my hat. Blonde hair to brunette. Mabel! Keep talking! Then I'll instruct you on how to reincarnate with me!"

She kept rambling on about points in our life.

BelleDip? A ship name?

Sock Opera.


Simone Cipher. Insane one!

Northwest Mansion was haunted.

The Shapeshifter.

The Convenience Store ghosts.

The....Lamby-Lamby dance. I shuddered at those memories.

Mabel, or should I say Stella Massacre Cipher kept talking on and on.

Belle's POV

I was right. On how he wanted to kill me, that is.

Remember the fact that I'm triangle on the summoning wheel?

Yeah. Now what did he call me before?

Flame. The only way to put out a Flame is to douse it with water, or to let it smolder.

But since I'm a pretty much immortal demon, this Flame will smolder, find fuel and keep burning forever.

Bill had dragged me to Gravity Falls. The Lake.

He was going to drown me... Dumb brother!

He forced me to watch my two best friends fall - whom I had only known for a few weeks - and he was now going to dispose of me.

A maniac grin spread across his face, and his eye gleamed with an insane tone.

"This is how you'll die, SISTER! No more need to WORRY about those KIDS!" Bill told me, going off into an insane sounding fit of giggles.

Purple chains bound me to a wooden chair, which he lit on fire.

"Let's ADD to your BRIGHTNESS, sister. A single Flame joined by OTHERS!"


I went underwater.

The CiphersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora