35: Clouded Feet and Clouded Eyes

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Belle's POV

I couldn't do anything. He had me chained up, sitting there, watching.

I finally drew my eyes away from what is left of Mason Pines, Alcor Cipher.

Bill had Mabel up in. Chains, just her wrists, hanging from his grasp.

That must be painful...her arm might fall off.

A glance told me her arm was healing itself.

You're weak, sane-y. Let me take over, I'll spare the girl and give the boy a proper burial.

No. If you take over, we'll become like Bill. That...thing isn't completely him anymore. He would've interrogated the two first, an might've tried to harvest their power.

You're right. Even I don't want to become that.

Bill dragged Mabel to right in front of me.

The haze from Dipper's demise snapped away.

"Bill. What do...do you p-plan on doing w-with her," I growled angrily.

"Shooting Star," the monster version of my twin exclaimed, "how would you like your demise?"

I noticed her eyes. Her posture.

She had given up. Masons' death left her torn to shreds, and scattered. Mabel was like a shattered case missing most of the shards.

Tears still streamed down her face, and her newest sweater was nothing but rags.

"Mabel...Mabel! Don't give up! There was a reason I revived you, Dreamon! Stella, don't let him get to you! I'll give Dipper my powers, revive him once more if we ever get out of this--" I was cut off by Bill dropping Mabel while I was speaking, and comic over to me and slapping me.

Mabel's eyes met mine. She was back.

"Okay Shooting Star! I need to figure out how to kill you now!" He said frustrated, grabbing her shackles and holding her up to his eye level.

I couldn't speak. Must've been some kind of spell Bill had cast on me with that slap.

"N..no B-Bill. You will...not...win..." A weak voice said. It's owner was Mabel.

"I've already won, Star! There's NO STOPPING ME NOW! I've got it! How about we drop you off the edge of the Fearamid! Shooting Stars sure are pretty when they FALL!"

My eyes widened. I figured out how his twisted mind worked.

He had burnt 'Pinetree'.

He was going to make the 'Shooting Star' fall.

"Or maybe it's a play off of the WORDS in your NAME! Shooting Star. If you're STAR, I should be SHOOTING YOU!" Bill shouted in Mabel's face.

"Nah! I BURNT Pinetree so the STAR will FALL! Ahhahahaha! AHHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Insane...Nacho." Mabel insulted him.

Mabel! No!

He dropped her.

I heard a small scream until she realized she was just on the EDGE of the floor.

Bill dragged me over to her, undoing my chains. He chained me up in the doorway, an dragged Mabel trough another.

Flying, he brought the barely conscious Mabel over so I could watch.

"NoOoO!" I screamed as he released her.

The chains on her disintegrated, and the half-mortal fell. Stella reached the trees, and they scratched her, blood spilling.

Time seemed to slow, slower than slow, as she fell....and then...

And then it sped up once more for me to hear a sickening 'SPLAT' and to see a puddle of fabric, blood, and bones on the ground beneath me.

I trembled, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I've experienced the death of many loved ones in my life, these two deaths...they took my heart with them.

"Now," Bill said turning towards me, "How to deal with YOU?"

He called me flame once. I think I knew what was going to happen to me.

Dipper's POV (Trust me. This'll help your feels attacks and add more! MWAHAHAHA!)

My pain from that fireball disappeared. I felt like I was walking on a cloud.

I looked down. I am walking on a cloud!

I had a purpose. I knew how to reincarnate. I tried doing so, but I was stopped.

Maybe because I might've been a demon in my past life? No, I'm sure I was a halfling.


I referred to myself in this manner. Why? I was only a spirit! There that word is again.

I figured it must've been how I used to refer to me, and my old vessel.

What did the old vessel look like again?

I suppose I didn't need to remember that.

But...one question pestered me.

Who was I again?

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