37: Out Goes The Flame

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Belle's POV (Do I even need to tell you anymore?)

I was underwater, holding my breath.

My open wounds stung while I was being drowned in the ice cold, salt water lake.

The chair sunk to the bottom of the lake, me still strapped on it.

The flames had gone out as soon as I had hit the water.

Yes, I was considered an immortal, but right now I was mostly drained of magic, and wounded severely. Any normal human would've died at the first blow Bill ha landed. 'Immortality' can only protect someone so much.

Bill sent down glowing purple arrows through the water. They should've stopped and slowed as soon as they had hit the water, but these were no normal arrows.

I was running out of breath as they descended upon me. I used the last of my power and made a pocket of air.

Gasping for breath, the first arrow hit my shoulder.

My blood made apparitions in the water, the arrows' force dragging the cloud of blood back, and then it dispersed itself.

Another arrow. My leg was hit and the arrow stayed put.

I struggled to make a psychic connection...


What's that, SISTER?


Want me to lend you assistance to talk to me? HERE YOU GO!

A rush of controlled power rushed into my head. It could only be used for 'talking' with Bill.

Stop toying with me, finish me off already!

Begging for death, ARE WE? Then I'll just have to PROLONG IT!

The connection broke. Bill's so annoying.

Another arrow hit my ear.

The gross thing - my ear came off with it.

The water around me was stained red.

My bubble of air-popped. I couldn't move, partly because I was wounded and mostly because water had filled my human forms' lungs.


Then there was nothing. Bill was nothing. I was nothing. No, I was air, watching my body fall to the deepest depths of the water. There was blackness, a peace I had never known.

I was sucked into consciousness.

Then there was a light, a small bright light. A cloud, under my feet. My eye hurt, and my eyepatch was gone.

I was wearing black and red.

My Eye.

Two people - very very familiar ones, approached me.

"Belle!" They cried at the same time.

They wore white and silver.

My Eye.

"Mabel? Dipper?"

Dipper spoke, "Belle. I've regained my memory but we still can't reincarnate!"

Mabel posed a question, "Is it because we're demons?"

"Mabel," I said, "Look at your outfits. Then mine."

The twins looked down at the same time to their feathery dresses, and reacted completely differently.

My eye was normal. Completely humanoid.

Mabel started squealing and absolutely adoring her feather dress.

Dipper, well...his face turned as red as the shiny outline of fire on the bottom of my pant legs. He held the dress close to himself, completely embarrassed.

"Mabel! Look at my outfit now. It's black with red details. It signifies that I'm a true demon. You two aren't!"

Then quieter, I spoke. "The only reason you can't reincarnate is because I cast a spell, so that we go together. Take my hands."

They did. They trusted me completely.

When they took my hands, I felt a burning sensation on our eyes. A link formed so that we felt what the others felt.

Unimaginable Pain.

Indescribable Pain.

Then we were off. To a new life. A better life. One filled with normality, angst, joy. A life that we were safe in. One that we were protected in.

A second chance.

Bill's POV (:What did you think? I was going to leave off at a sappy ending? No way!:)

I snapped, I killed her.

Currently in my room in the Fearamid, crying my heart out.

What heart? I killed her. I have no heart.

True, I was thrice as powerful now than I was when I put this scheme into motion, but she's dead.

When she died, I went...sane. I only felt regret, remorse, guilt for my actions.

Now I was here, not reveling in my glory but crying in self-pity over what I had lost.

I lost her.

My other half.

My...my twin.

I let the despicable side of me take control. This way, there'd be now regrets or guilt. I wouldn't suffer.

My maniac laughter filled the room, and off I went to destroy this town.


To destroy the World.

(: WHOS GONNA SAVE THE DAY NOW? Mwahahahaha! Ahhahahaha!


Comment your opinion and tell me who you think's gonna stop Bill now? :)

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