Make you love me part 2

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I opens my eyes slowly feeling the sharp light burning in my eyes.

Was it just a dream?

I look around... No it wasn't.

I'm lying on some thin blankets I "loaned" from Mrs ingerman. I'm at the cave as this was the only place I could find where I could sleep.

I yawn really loud, I did not sleep well on the ground.

I'm still pretty sleepy but I need to get working on how to make Astrid love me... Again.

Last time I had toothless, but since I was never born I never made peace with the dragons. And yesterday I read that Berk finally won over the dragons, so they're not here anymore.

It makes me kinda sad knowing that I don't have my best friend here, but all I need to do is to make Astrid fall for me again. And then I can go home.

But how can I do that?

She obviously thinks I'm a freak.

I just need a really genius plan...

Astrids pov:

I just helped Gobber out with some of the swords he really need someone who can help him in the blacksmith. But the one who needs a son the most is our chief. He doesn't have a son who can take over the village, so now snotlout is getting some chief training, but I really hope he finds another to take over the village.

Snotlout is the opposite of responsible, and he would probably force me to marry him. What will never happen!

Anyway now I'm sitting on the beach there's not much to do now that we won over the dragons.

Suddenly I hear some noises from the bushes.

"Who's there" I ask standing up with my axe.

My words seem to have terrified the bush.   

"Hallo" I say a bit more calm.

Maybe it's snotlout spying on me again, that jerk.

I lift my axe ready to throw it in Snotlouts face. I'm about to strike when...

"Ahh Astrid don't it's hiccup" says the new freak in town, hiccup. He puts his hand up in front of his face trying to protect himself.

"What are you doing here?" I ask putting my axe in the ground, walking back to my spot on the beach.

"Just wanted to say hi" he says nervous.
"Hi, can you go now" I say with so much sarcasm in my voice it can kill.

"Ehm..." He says sitting down beside me. He's weird.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He ask, what's with him.

"Ehm no.. Why do you ask are you a spy" I ask moving closer maybe he's a spy from the outcast. I pull my axe closer to me ready to hit him if it shows out he is.

"What! No, no, no, no... No I'm not a spy, I'm just... New here" he chuckles nervous. Okay if he's a spy, he's really mad at his job.

"Hey what time is it?" He ask and looks at me or more like stares at me.

"It's ten I guess, why?" I ask with a sigh.

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