Prison break part 1

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This island was beautiful, it had tall trees with bright green crowns, water as soft as cotton, the grass was nice and crispy and the mountains were big and majestic.

I saw a big branch laying in the nice light green grass. And as I picked it up I gave stormfly a playful grin.

"Go get it girl!"

The branch wasn't in the air for long before stormfly grabbed it. She dove through the air faster than toothless when he sees an eel. Her beautiful blue scales reflected in the shinning sun.
You will never see a more beautiful dragon.

The flew right back down to me and nuzzled her big head into my chest.

These are the mornings I love.
Just me and stormfly.
Out in the world.

"Come on girl"

We flew low through the forest with the leaves and smell of summer around us.
As we flew up above the trees I couldn't stop smiling.
When she finally was vertical again, I crawled onto her head and looked her in the eyes with a big grin.

Out of nowhere she stops. It was so sudden even for her. I'm used to her crazy and harsh stops but this was different. It meant danger.

I took a quick look around.

"What is it girl?" I whispered

She nodded the direction to Berk.
And there I saw it, at least two dozen ships all heading towards Berk.

I need to warn Berk, the gang, Stoick and hiccup. But first I need to figure out what they want.


A middle age man was preparing the canons. That meant that they're probably not friends.
We stayed hidden in the clouds as we carefully observed the activity on the ships.

There was a piece of paper nailed to a pole on the ship.

Against stormfly' protest we flew closer to see what was on the paper.
We landed softly on the deck. Finally I could see the poster. It has to faces on it and a big number.
The faces were not to be mistaken I saw them everyday.
I've seen this poster before.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut's bounty poster...

Oh no somebody took it serious.
I took the poster down and held it with a tight grip.

"Come girl let's go" I said but before I could get on Stormfly and arrow shot.

I suggest down faster than lightning and grabbed my knife from my boot.
Stromfly turned towards the man who shot it, with her full on protecting mode.

"And who is this " a deep man voice ran through the air.

"You stole my question" I said

The man let out a dry laugh.

"Come on blond little girl, tell me what are you doing on my ship?"

He gave me a rotten smile, and lowed his bow.

"Just wondering why you're looking for a fake bounty"

With that comment he let out a bigger laugh.

"Oh little girl, I'm not going after them for the bounty" he signaled the rest of his men to lower their weapons as he walked towards me.

"I'm looking for them because they're going to prison"

Honestly I'm not surprised, the twins does a lot of dumb stuff.
What surprises me is that they haven't gone to prison earlier.

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