Chapter Two

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Mikey pushed his way through the crowded subway station, trying to avoid conflicts and confrontation with strangers.

A young boy with golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes pushed him on accident, seeming slightly frightened as he said, "Oh! I'm sorry Mister."
Mikey smiled at the boy, staying completely calm and ruffling his hair, "It's alright. It was my fault."

The boy smiled up at him, no longer afraid as he had once been, "I'm Luca!!"
Mikey shook his hand, "I'm Mikey. Where are your parents?"

Luca frowned, "I'm looking for them."
Mikey picked the boy up, "How old are you?"

Luca held up five fingers and smiled, "I'm five!!"
Mikey smiled, but it quickly faded as he noticed that bruises on Luca's hands, "What are those?"

Luca showed Mikey both of his hands, "They're Mommy and Daddy's Love marks."

Love marks. That's what he called them too.

Mikey shook his head, "No. Mommy and Daddy didn't leave love marks, they left bruises. I'm taking you to the police."

Mikey started walking in the direction of the nearest police station.

"B-But M-Mommy and D-Daddy will be mad." The little boy began to protest in fear.
Mikey shook his head, "I don't care."

He kept walking, his breathing became short and quick as he made it to the station. He entered, to see his best friend, Dani. She looked up at the sudden footsteps toward her desk, her body seeming to writhe with nerves but she hid it very well.

"Hey Mikes, who's this?" She pointed to Luca ever so slightly.
"This is Luca. Look at his hands." He responded, short of breath.

Dani offered her hands to the little boy and Luca placed his hands on hers. She gasped quietly, not used to seeing children with bruises like this.

"Who did this?" She asked and quickly sat at her desk.

She began to write down the questions she had asked and the answers Luca had given.

"Mommy and Daddy." He responded.
She frowned, "How old are you?"

He smiled, "I'm five!!"
She smiled, "What's your Mommy and Daddy's names?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "J-Julie and Max."
She frowned, absentmindedly mumbling, "Lincoln."

Mikey tilted his head to the right in confusion, "Who?"
She looked at him, "Lincoln Adams. Remember?"

He nodded slowly, "The boy who never got put with a foster family because his parents were too lazy to show up to the hearing, right?"
She nodded, "Not just that, but his parents were Julie and Max Adams."

Luca pointed at the picture of Lincoln on Dani's desk, "That's my big brother!!"
Mikey sighed, "Is his going to be the same?"

She nodded again, "Most Likely. They're both too half-assed to show up."

Mikey chuckled at her as her captain came out.

"Dani, who's this?"
She turned, "Sorry Captain, this is my best friend, Mikey, and this is Luca: younger brother of Lincoln Adams."

Her captain sighed, "The boy who can't get a foster home because his parents won't show up?"
Dani nodded, "That's him."

Suddenly, Mikey felt a strong grip on his shoulder, causing him to quickly be filled with panic and worry.

"Who the fuck are you?" A man's voice echoed through his ears.
"And why the fuck did you take our son?" A woman's voice echoed as well.

Mikey was very fearful. After everything he had gone through with him, he was used to abuse, but it had been four years since he was taken to prison. Mikey was hurt at first when he had been taken away, until he started going to therapy, where his therapist explained Stockholm Syndrome which was what Mikey had been suffering from, but four years later, he's still in therapy, and still in love with him.

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