Chapter Twenty-Seven

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{To those who are still reading, I promise, there is a method to my madness. I'm focussing on Dani and Patrick for a reason.}

"I missed how pretty you look in that dress."
She grinned, "Thanky Daddy."

"Welcome baby."
She pulled on her grey flats, "Let's go...I promise I won't disobey you anymore today..."

"Good girl." Patrick said, pecking her lips.

Dani smiled, walking with him to the car. Patrick drove to her mom's and fetched the boys.

"Hi pretty boys." Dani said as she entered the house.

Patrick smiled at her as the boys came running to greet them. She lifted Luca.

"Mommy!!" He cheered.

Dani walked to the kitchen where her mother was, "Hey Mom."
"Hello dear."

Patrick scooped Lincoln up. "Hey lil' dude!"
"Hey Dad!" Lincoln hugged him.

"Hey Mrs.Collins!" Patrick called out.
"Hello Patrick." Mrs.Collins replied.

Granted her mother was only 43, she was quite old fashioned. Patrick hugged Lincoln back, chuckling. He walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, uhm, Mrs.Collins, could I talk to you for a second in private?"
"Of course." She grinned, walking with Patrick to the sitting room.

Patrick put Lincoln down, winking at him.

"So, I know you're meant to ask the father but obviously I can't so... may I have your blessing to marry your daughter?"
She grinned, placing a hand on his shoulder, "You may. You could ask him...but he's in prison. I've been meaning to tell Dani he requests to see her, but I'm painfully sure she'd rather not."

"I'd rather not either to be honest. Thank you." He said, smiling.
"You saved her from a life she didn't deserve. You can give her much more to look forward to."

"Thank you ma'am... I intend to."
Luca ran in, "Grandmaaa!!"

"What?" She smiled at him.
"Mommy wants to know if you would give her a recipe."


"Top drawer, left side. Third book."

Patrick chuckled, "That's going to take a while to get used to."
"What? The pitter patter of little bare feet running on wood floor?" Mrs.Collins smirked, "Its nice. It reminds you that you've got a whole other reason to live."

"Yeah, it's nice. Being called Dad too, Daddy I'm used to, because that's just how me and my friends used to act, but Dad..."
"You're a big boy now Patrick. You can do it." She chuckled, "Has she ever shown you her baby pictures?"

"Mom I swear to God!"
"No." He laughed.

She came to the doorway, "Mother."

Her mother grabbed her baby book, "Here." She handed it to Patrick.

"I wanna see!!" Luca ran over.
Patrick sat down, chuckling and awhing at the pictures with Luca sat on one side and Lincoln the other.

Dani huffed, crossing her arms, "Thanks Madre."
"Me gusta cuando hablas español mi amor." Patrick smiled, teasing her.

She poked her tongue out, "I'm better at French and you know that."
"Ugh." He replied in a French accent.

"What did he says Mommy?" Luca asked.
"He said, 'I like it when you speak Spanish my love'."

She rolled her eyes at Patrick, "J'aime quand tu me fais mal."
"I have no idea what you just said."

"And I can't repeat it in English." She winked.
"Danielle!" Her mother scolded.

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