Chapter Nineteen

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"Is his big assignment being an adult?" Mikey asked.
"I don't even know."

"FLUBBBBBAAAALUBB!" Patrick said, rolling over and flailing.

Mikey FaceTimed Dani, "Sorry to bother your motherliness but you need to see this." He turned the camera and showed her Patrick.

Patrick glared at Mikey, flailing his way to behind the sofa.

"I...I don't even know what to..." She laughed out, "I cannot help in this situation."

"Flubbylubb." Patrick mumbled angrily.

She giggled, "I love you Patty!!"

He flailed slightly, still behind the couch.

"Pete what do we do?" Mikey asked.
"I don't know, it was always Br- the other guy who shared our flat's job to snap him out of it."

"Okay so it starts with a B and R...." Dani murmured.
"Brandon?" Mikey suggested.

Pete shook his head.

"Is that close?" Mikey asked.

Pete nodded.

"Brendon?" Dani asked.
Pete shushed her, "Don't say his name!"

Patrick started cackling madly, making snow angels on the floor.

"Why not??" She asked.
"Mikey, show her what he's doing."

Mikey walked over and showed her. He came back and sat with Pete.

"So what's the big deal?" She asked.
"Wait for it..." Pete said.

Patrick got up and pulled his shirt off, running over to Pete and slapping him with it before continuing his snow angels. Mikey sniggered.

Dani pulled a confused look, "So...what's the deal with the dude?"
"I honestly dont know." Pete admitted, "But we need him to help."

Dani moved to a desk, "A-N or O-N?"

Dani typed 'Brendon', "Jesus there are too many Brendon's in the world. Middle name?"

Patrick slapped Pete with his shirt again.

"Boyd. And Dani please be careful..."
"I will be." She said, practically ignoring him. She entered 'Boyd' for the middle name, "Okay, it's been narrowed down to about 200 people. Last initial?"

"U." Pete replied.
She finished, "Brendon Boyd Urie, born April 12, 1987. Age: 29. Married three years ago to Sarah Orzechowski. No known children. Parents names are Boyd Urie and Grace Urie."

Patrick took his jeans off and slapped pete with them.

"Dani! Yes, that is him but be careful!"
"Mikey...." She laughed, "This is really ironic. He's your next door neighbour."

"Wait, really?!" Pete said, standing up, "Which side?!"
"Hang on, I gotta map it.." Luca jumped on her lap as she did so, "This says to the right."

Pete ran out of the house, knocking on the door to right of Mikey's.

The tall male opened the door looking at Pete, "Holy shit it's Pepe Wentz."
"Breadbin! Long time no see and fuck have you actually grown?"

He laughed, "I know right."
"You're like... taller than me!"

"I always have been..." He laughed at Pete, "What's up? I thought you were in jail?"
Pete shushed him, "I'm out and uh... my boyfriend lives next door!"

"Boyfriend? New one already?"
"Uh.. the same one actually..." Pete said, rubving the back of his neck.

"Oh wow." Brendon raised his eyebrows, "Well what's up? Why are you here?"
"Patty's over and he's having an episode and I mentioned that you used to help calm him down then she found out you lived next door so I was wondering if you could help..."

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