Chapter Twenty-Øne

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A knock. A quiet knock on the front door. Patrick stood up, realising Mikey wasn't coming out anytime soon and Pete was tied up.

He went downstairs and answered the door tiredly, "Hello?"
"Hey is everything alri-Patrick?" It was Skye.

"Hey Skye..."
"Why aren't you with Dani?" She tried to peer into the house.

"I thought since you were keeping an eye on her with the bruises that I'd prove to you they were nothing to do with me."
"What's with your neck?" Skye asked, noticing bruises.

"Went to a casino with Mikes and Pete last night and got into a row about a poker game. No biggie."
"Where is Mikey?"

"Upstairs having a bath."
"And Pete?" The girl was 'interogating' him to see if he'd admit something about the bruises on Dani.

"Also in the bath."
"You know they approved you and Dani for those boys..." She leaned against the house.

"I know, I visit for an hour every day. They're great boys. I can't wait to move back and be a proper family."
"Any other reason you aren't with her?"

"To prove to you and Aidan that I'm not an abusive asshole."
"Why the hell else would she have those bruises?" Skye snapped.

"Night terrors."
"Night terrors don't cause bruises."

"She falls out of bed, bangs herself, thrashes, scratches. I've only caused one bruise and that's by holding her still so she didn't hurt herself further." Patrick lied, forgetting about the whip marks running up and down her back and legs.
"Dani used to wear skirts a lot, what happened?"

"It got cold." Patrick shrugged.
"It was simmer six months, two weeks, three days, two hours, fifty-seven minutes, and thirty-nine seconds ago. The exact time she stopped wearing skirts." Skye was precise.

Patrick shrugged again, "I only control what she wears when she asks me to pick her clothes for her."
She rolled her eyes, "You're a sick, alcoholic, abusive bastard."

"Where's your proof? I have mental health issues, but who said anything about alcoholism? And abusive, again those bruises are nothing to do with me." Patrick was lying through his teeth at this point.

"Skyelar Leanne Morgenstern. Go. Home." Dani walked up with a sleeping Luca and a tired Lincoln.
"Hey baby. Didn't think you'd be over today." Patrick let out a sigh of relief.

Dani smiled at him a bit, knowing she'd just saved his ass.

"But Dani-" Skye began.
"Home." Dani said sternly.

Skye rolled her eyes and went back to her car, she then left angrily. Dani on the other hand, came closer and stepped into the house. She laid Luca down on one couch and Lincoln on the other. Patrick pulled her to one side, explaining the situation of Mikey and Pete quietly, just out of the earshot of the boys.

"Can you help get Mikey out and dressed? I'll sort out Pete once you're done."
Dani nodded smiling, "Yeah, I'll help."

She headed up the stairs, knocking on the bathroom door and calling for Mikey to open it. Mikey stood slowly and opened the door. Patrick stayed downstairs with the boys, stroking Luca's hair. Luca stirred a bit but kept asleep. Dani helped calm Mikey down and get dressed. She brought him downstairs and sat him by Lincoln's head. Patrick nodded a thank you, going to sort Pete out. Mikey played with Lincoln's hair softly. Dani held Luca on her lap, a more comfortable position for the sleeping boy.

Pete was laying on the floor crying, his hands still fastened behind him. Patrick grabbed the keys off the nightstand and undid Pete hands.

"I'm sorry Petey."

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