Chapter Nine

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"Not a slut hm?" Pete leaned closer until his breath was ghosting Mikey's neck "Are you sure?"
Mikey whimpered softly, "Y-Yes."

Pete moved closer, still not allowing himself to touch Mikey, but getting close enough to make the younger man feel like Pete's lips were touching his neck. "How about now honey?"
"I'm not a slut..." He repeated.

"Are you answering back Michael?" Pete said, using the tone he used to when Mikey misbehaved.
"I-I'm sorry Daddy...I-I'm..." He huffed out sadly, "I'm a slut..."

"I knew you hadn't changed." Pete said, pulling away and sitting back against the sofa.

Mikey wanted to cry but he wouldn't. He brought his knees to his chest, resting his face in his knees.

"You're still weak, and still a slut."
"I-I..." Mikey couldn't answer. He scooted over to Pete, "How can I fix it Sir?"

"You can get your mom out of the house and let me fuck your mouth like a good little whore." Pete told him.
"W-when she gets out of the shower I'll ask her to go stay with Gee..."

"Good boy."
Mikey sighed, " therapist says I have Stockholm Syndrome."

Pete was shocked for a second... 'Stockholm Syndrome? So Mikey still loves me?' He thought.

"And...and when I found out what it was I was in denial at first, but then I realised that it was true and I-I missed you."
Pete wasn't sure how to respond to this, so he said, "So, you liked me treating you like a slave, huh? You got used to it? Realised you can't live without someone controlling your every move?"

"W-Well no...I was so caught up in the fact that you were mine. I had you and you seemed to care...and it made me happy, someone who knew what it was like to be different." Mikey explained.
"If by different you mean gay, then there's a fuckton of people that know what it's like." Pete was shocked, "Out of all of the gay guys around here, why me?"

"You were pretty. And you were kind at first. You cared when I ran away. You wanted to help...but it turned into something different..." Mikey muttered sadly.
"It didn't turn into something different. I was always planting the seeds. You didn't pick up on them at the time."

Mikey wasn't sure when his mother would come back down, so he took his chance and kissed Pete. Pete started to kiss back then pushed Mikey away. No, this was not on his terms, this wasn't following his plan. He decided a little revision in the plan wouldn't go amiss when he tasted the younger boy's coffee breath and the familiar taste of chapstick on his lower lip.

"You still use the same fucking chapstick." He said, pulling Mikey back in to reconnect their lips.
Mikey smiled into the kiss muttering against his lips, "I like it. I thought you did too."

"I love it. It reminds me of when I met you, how gentle I had to force myself to be."
Mikey moaned softly in the kiss, "I missed you Daddy."

"I missed you too babyboy." Pete sighed internally.

Maybe he could change, for Mikey's sake. He did love the younger man after all, even if he did primarily see him as an object for his pleasure. It would be a long, hard journey, but he was willing to try.

Mikey pulled away to catch his breath, hearing the water stop upstairs. Donna climbed out of the shower, getting dried and dressed as quickly as possible. It was quite cold in Mikey's house. Mikey moved away from Pete slightly so his mother won't say anything.

"So, uh, how's Gerard?" Pete said, hearing footsteps on the stairs.
"He's good. I cried when I saw him." Mikey chuckled slightly.

"Has he got a special someone yet?"
"I think her name is Lindsey.." He replied.

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