Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mikey sighed and went back into the living room to see that none of the others were there. Pete followed him.

"I heard them go upstairs."

Mikey nodded, too upset to actually say anything.


He looked at Pete.

"What's wrong honey?"
"Nothing." Mikey shook his head.

"Mikey, I can tell something's up. Talk to me, please."
"It's nothing."

"If it's nothing than it wouldn't matter if you told me."
"But it does matter if I tell you. That's why I'm not telling you." Mikey explained.

"I want to know baby... I want to help you."
Mikey scowled, "I don't need help..." He muttered.

"But I want to help."
Mikey shoved Pete away, "I don't. Need. Help!" He ran to his room.

Pete stood there, numb. He cautiously followed Mikey up, ignoring Patrick and Dani and gently knocking on the door to Mikey's room.

"Mikey, it's me. I'm sorry."

No reply on Mikey's end, he wasn't in the room. He was on the side balcony, not planning on taking his own life, no. Mikey felt numb. A feeling of ignorance washed over him.

Pete sighed, resting his head on the door, "Mikey please."

Still, no reply from Mikey. He didn't even know Pete was on the other side of the door, but he expected it. Pete opened the door, seeing Mikey on the balcony and sighed. He sat on the bed.

"Hey Mikey."
Mikey ignored him, for some reason his mind jumped to the monster, "What triggers the monster?"

"Being tired, hungry, in pain or confused." Pete rattled off easily, if Mikey wanted answers he would give him answers.
"Why does it always hurt me?" Mikey gently eased closer.

"It used to hurt B-Brendon instead... and Patty."

"It wants to isolate me."

Mikey sat on Pete's lap, saying nothing else.

Pete smiled, holding his waist, "You okay babyboy?"
"I feel numb, hurt, and ignorant."

"Let's break it down then, why ignorant?"
"Because I'm being stubborn and I made a promise that I can't keep."

"What did you promise?"
"Not to always forgive you when you hurt me."

"If I hurt you so much that you need to go to the hospital or lose conciousness, then don't forgive me. I don't want you to forgive me for hurting you anyway but if it's easier for you then don't forgive me for those things."
Mikey nodded, "Okay Daddy."

"Okay, so the three reasons you shouldn't forgive me are if I give you a concussion, if you pass out or if you end up in hospital. That sound good?"
"Yes Daddy." Mikey nodded.

"And why stubborn baby?"
"Because I'm being a brat."

"You're not baby. You're just having one of those days. Why are you hurt?"
"The monster..." Mikey whispered.

Pete nodded, pulling him closer, "I'm sorry about it baby."
"You can't help it." Mikey muttered.

"I can try to push it down more though. Why are you numb then baby?"
"I feel like I've failed at something." Mikey said.

"Well you haven't in my eyes babyboy."
"I feel like I have." Mikey repeated.

Pete kissed him gently. Mikey kissed back. Pete cupped Mikey's face gently, kissing softer.

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