Chapter Twenty-Three

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Patrick got up and knelt next to the other couch.

"I promise you Luca, if he finds you I'll get rid of him before he can lay a finger on either of you."

Luca reached his arms out to Patrick, making grabby hands. Dani released the little boy and he jumped to Patrick. Patrick hugged him tight, resting his chin on top of the boy's head.

"I mean it Lukey, no one is hurting you on my watch."
"Th-Thank you..." Luca whispered, clinging to Patrick.

"You're welcome." Patrick whispered back, kissing the top of the boy's head.

The fact that these boys were his, even if they were only his foster kids, still hadn't quite sunk in. He was loving the feeling of it though; he was a dad.

Dani smiled at the two, "You wanna lay down here Luca?"

Patrick smiled "There's more room on Dani's couch, want me to get you a blanket?"
"Yes, please and thank you." The little boy released from the hug, crawling back onto Dani's lap.

'His manners!' Patrick mouthed at Dani, shocked.

She nodded, a smile resting on her face. He went to get Luca a blanket, this time a fluffy baby blue one, and smiled at the sight of the young boy snuggled into Dani's side. She had an arm resting around him, rubbing his arm gently. He gently wrapped it around him, placing a kiss on both Luca and Dani's foreheads before settling back down on his couch again.

Dani smiled, as did Luca.

"Goodnight Mommy." Luca murmured, "Goodnight Patrick." He added.
"Goodnight Luca." She giggled quietly.

"Night Lukey." Patrick replied, adding a barely audible, "Thank God he didn't call me Daddy."
Dani glanced over at him, a taunting grin on her face, "Stop it Daddy."

Patrick pouted at her jokingly. She poked her tongue out at him. Feeling Luca tug at her shirt, she looked at him. He leaned up and kissed her cheek. Patrick smiled. The little boy cuddled back into her side and quickly fell asleep. Dani shut her eyes, smiling.

"I love these boys." She whispered.
"I love them too, and I love you." Patrick whispered back.

"I love you too." She replied before a yawn escaped her mouth.

"Night babygirl."
"Night Daddy." And with that, Dani fell asleep as fast as Luca had.

Patrick smiled, also falling asleep. The six had continued their sleep, no more bad dreams from any of them. Dani yawned, having naturally woken up around 3:00-4:30. She sat up, Luca and Patrick still sleeping fine. Her smile reappeared as she stood, slowly and quietly; she snatched Patrick's fedora off the table as she stood. Patrick turned slightly in his sleep, snoring softly. Dani stifled a giggle, slipping the hat on her head and going into the kitchen. Patrick rolled off the sofa, landing on his ass and waking up. Dani heard it and giggled quietly.

She walked back in and over to him, "Good morning Daddy."
"Morning baby... is that my hat?!"

"Shhh." She giggled, "It's mine now."
"That's my favourite!"

"Too late Daddy."
Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Give me my hat, Dani."

"No." She giggled again.
Patrick growled under his breath, "Are you being disobedient, little one?"

Dani bit her lip, "Daddy can't do anything because Luca's right there."
"Daddy can take Luca upstairs."

Dani's lip fell from her teeth, "U-Uhm."
"Or you can give me my fucking hat back and forget this happened." Patrick hissed.

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