Chapter Four

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Mikey sat on his bed after his recent therapy session, his mind full of thoughts. He had his legs pulled to his chest, tears almost ready to fall down his pale pink cheeks. He couldn't stop thinking about Luca and Lincoln. He was also thinking about Gerard. The wonderful man he called his brother was gone because Mikey didn't know when to stop. There was a loud knock on his door. He stood up shakily, the incident at the police station still worrying him even though the two people were placed in a cell at the station. He walked slowly to the door, contemplating whether or not he should open it, but doing so anyway and opening it. In front of him stood a male with white hair, smiling as though he knew Mikey.

"Hello, can I help you?" Mikey asked, confused by the man.
The male smiled, "Yes. I was wondering if this was the right address for Michael Way?"

Mikey nodded, still confused, but also slightly afraid, "That's me. Do I know you?"

The other male wrapped Mikey in a hug.

"Baby Brother." He muttered in Mikey's ear.
Mikey's eyes welled up with tears as the realisation hit him that this was his brother, "G-Gerard?"

The other male squeezed him tightly, signalling a yes which made Mikey hugged him back just as tight, tears beginning to pour down his now bright red cheeks.

He pulled his big brother inside the house.

Gerard pulled away and smiled at his crying brother, "Mikey it's been twelve years."
Mikey nodded while wiping his tears, "Fourteen if you count the two I stayed in my room and only snuck out at night through the window."

Gerard chuckled quietly, "So how is everything? I hear he went to jail." Mikey nodded sitting on the couch, "Four years ago actually."

Gerard sat by his brother and sparked a conversation about how he feels without him.

"Actually, and even though I know this will upset you, I miss him. I don't want to miss him, but I do..."

Gerard sighed muttering something under his breath.

"What's that?" Mikey asked curiously.
Gerard shook his head, "Nothing Baby Brother."

Mikey frowned, "Gee you've never kept secrets from me before."
Gerard sighed again, "I said 'Stockholm Syndrome,' Bubby."

Mikey nodded, "I just wanted to know.."
Gee nodded at him, "I understand, but you need to learn that he doesn't love you. He never did and he never will."

Mikey looked down, "Yes he did. He always did. He doesn't anymore."
Gerard was now slightly annoyed with his younger brother, "Mikes, I'm staying at a hotel a few blocks over. If you need me, come to room 453."

Mikey nodded, "You got it Big Brother."

Gerard stood, kissing his brother's hair, and then left Mikey's home. Thusly leaving Mikey alone with his thoughts once more. Gee loved his baby brother, but Mikey was just not understanding that Pete wouldn't ever love him or even care for him in the slightest. But Mikey still felt like Pete loved him and cared for him. He always had and always will. At least in Mikey's mind.

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