Chapter Seventeen

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"Apply to foster them I guess, make sure the authorities know you already have a bond with them and that you're financially stable."
"No, I mean about Patrick."

"Make sure he's comfortable, maybe don't foster them until he's stable or tell him he can stay with us until he's okay. If you do end up with them and want an adult night once in a while we'd be glad to babysit them."
She smiled, "Thanks."

"No problem. My dad knows some good lawyers if you need someone to help you draw up a good application."
"I got a lawyer for a best friend. I think I'm good." She chuckled quietly and went back to her seat.

"Fair enough." Pete said, secretly glad that he didn't have to call in yet another favour with his dad.

She smiled as Luca became extremely excited. The adverts started playing and Luca was bouncing in the seat next to Pete. He smiled, holding Mikey's hand and laughing. Mikey leaned on Pete's shoulder, happily. Soon enough the actual film started playing and Pete tore a nacho out of the rapidly diminishing cheesy mess they'd bought, holding it in front of Mikey's mouth. Mikey opened his mouth and bit it, chewing quietly.

He leaned up to Pete's ear and whispered, "Are we ever gonna have kids?"
Pete smiled, nodding "I hope so."

Mikey grinned, kissing his cheek once more and watching the film. Pete grinned, him and Mikey finishing off the nachos between them quite quickly. Dani had slipped into little space, wondering where her Daddy was, but enjoying the movie. Mikey had also slipped into little space, snuggling Pete's shoulder. Pete wrapped his arm around Mikey and glanced over at Dani, noting the confused expression.

"Hey, Dani." He whispered loudly.
She looked over at him, "Hm?"

"You okay sweetie?"
"Where's Patrick?" She asked.

"He's at home."
"Why not here?" She asked.

Several people shushed them.

"Because he's not doing great darling, we need to be quiet now."

She pouted slightly, turning her attention back to the movie. Pete frowned, he needed to snap Dani out of space soon, he couldn't look after two kids as well as two littles. Dani felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out of her pocket, it instantly snapped her out if space.

"Pete I'll be back." She left the cinema to take the phone call.

It was Aidan, trying to convince her to come back down for pictures of the bruises. Pete nodded, checking over Lincoln and Luca, who were fully immersed in the movie and didn't really notice Dani leaving. Eventually Dani came back, her cheeks sticky with tears. Pete pulled a confused face, asking her what happened. The film was almost over and the boys were still as bouncy as they had been at the start of it. She explained the situation to him quickly and wiped her tears. Pete nodded, smiling sadly at her. She waited through the rest of the movie with the boys. Once the film was over Pete stood up, helping Mikey up and grabbing the bag of clothes, pulling Dani in for a hug.

"Stay strong, and please don't go for the photos, he's really trying to get better and they won't let you have the boys if they find out."
"I know. She started shouting. Saying she'd report him if I didn't. And I hung up and started crying."

Mikey hugged Dani, "Let's go to my house, it's time for a fashion show and for Pete to check on Patty."
Pete nodded again. "I'll drop you off at Mikey's then go and see him. You want me to tell him she called?"

She nodded, "Please."

They got into the car and Pete dropped Dani and the boys off with Mikey, making sure he handed the bag of clothes to one of them. Mikey entered the house with the bag and the others. Pete sped off to Patrick's, walking up to the door and seeing it was open. Pete pushed the door open, seeing that the lounge was a mess, paper everywhere and Patrick's desk tipped over. Patrick was lay behind the desk, whimpering slightly. He'd heard someone walk in and was scared he'd be arrested for making such a mess.

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