Chapter Thirteen

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Pete patted Mikey's head with his good hand and pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on them Gerard."
"You're welcome." Gee grinned.

"What happened while we were away then?"

Gerard pointed to Dani.

Pete rolled his eyes, "Apart from that?"
"Nothing, Mikey and Dani just played."

"Yeah... we didn't get up to much either... met the doctor that helped my mom a while ago... wound the nurse up... that was about it."
Mikey smiled, "That's sounds cool Daddy!"

"She went bright red when I asked her if I could still use my other hand to make you feel good baby." Pete joked, smiling at the nickname.

Mikey blushed. Pete kissed his cheek.

"We're just gonna have to be careful for a few weeks." He smirked, glancing over at Patrick.

Mikey giggled. Patrick was holding Dani as she cried silently. Pete nudged Mikey, gesturing at the stuffie on the floor by his foot. Mikey picked it up and handed it to Patrick. Patrick took it and bounced it in front of Dani. Pete carefully pulled Mikey onto his lap, leaving gentle kisses in the crook of his neck. He felt Gerard shifting beside him and smirked. Dani had calmed down completely and clutched the stuffie to her chest.

"You okay now sweetie?" Pete gently asked her.

She nodded.

"Mikey, do you have any popcorn? I just remembered that I brought all of your Disney DVDs that you left."
Mikey went wide eyed, "I do!!"

"Movie night!" Pete exclaimed.
Dani giggled, "Can Daddy stay?"

"If he wants to."

Patrick glanced at Pete.

"Or not if he doesn't want to."

Dani turned to him, "Daddy pleasseeeee."
Patrick smiled at her, "Fine Princess."

Pete grinned, "You staying too Gerard?"
Gee shook his head, "Maybe another time. But I have a date. Bye guys and gal." He stood, waving, and exited the house.

"Welp bye." Pete waved.

Mikey bounced excitedly on Pete's lap.

Pete laughed, "Pick a film honey, they're in my bag and I'll sort the popcorn out."

Mikey jumped towards the bag and started to search for a movie. Pete quickly poured out two small and two big bowls of popcorn, heading back through to the lounge and almost tripping over Mikey. Mikey was digging through the bag and accidentally cut his finger on a knife that Pete had stashed out, quickly pulling his hand away from the bag.

Pete glanced down, seeing the blood. "Shit."
Mikey looked up, "D-Daddy why?"

Pete put the popcorn down in the living room, grabbing Mikey's arm and limping into the kitchen, not even bothering with his crutches. He started cleaning Mikey's finger, putting a plaster on it and placing a kiss on the decorative cartoon unicorns.

"W-Why did you have that??"
"Protection." Pete said shortly.

Mikey nodded, "Can you get Cinderella?"
Pete rummaged in the back, moving the knife to the bottom and pulling the 30-disc case out, "A lot of the cases were cracked so I put the discs in here... Is that okay? I can get the cases back if you want?"

"That's fine."

Pete grabbed the case and winced, limping back into the living room. Mikey frowned at Pete's pain.

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