Déjà Vu

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Staring up from the flat of his back as Liesel walked her dog around in a large circle, Sirius stared at the night sky...it was full of stars which was a rare sight as there was usually cloud cover at night, but on this night, there were no clouds and more importantly, the moon was but a sliver.

Finally, when she was satisfied that her dog had done his business, she sat down next to him and he rolled over to face her and leaning up on his elbow then placed his hand over hers. "Let me teach you the animagus charm?"

She looked down at their hands...his hand was so warm and it sent butterflies to her tummy. She shook her head. "Oh no, my dad would definitely cart me off to wizzy-jail!"

Sirius laughed. "Not if he doesn't know."

"Why would you want to do that anyway?"

"Well, I overheard you telling Lily that your patronus is a big cat."

She nodded. "That's right..."

"How big?"

"Well, not like King of the Jungle big, but big enough. It's not a cute fluffy little kitty, lets put it that way."

"Alright. So, what it is?"

"A Bobcat."

"What's a bobcat?"

"It's considered a big cat, but it's really maybe two or three times bigger than a house cat. Their ears are tufted and their tails are naturally bobbed."

"What color are they?"

"Mostly tan and brown. Most have white bellies."

Sirius leaned up on his elbow again and moved in a little closer to her, close enough that she could feel the heat his body emanated. "I'll bet you'd make an amazing bobcat! Let me show you the charm, come on! Pleeezzzze!" He moved onto his back so that his head was in her lap and she had to look down at him. "I really want to share this with you..."

She chuckled and sighed at the same time.

He rolled over again and leaned up on his elbows. "There's a reason that I asked."

"Okay, why?"

He groaned and rolled back over onto his back and huffed. "I can't tell you just yet!"

"More secrets!"

"Not mine this time. I can't tell you until all the parties affected agree."

She nodded. "Okay."

"Still mad at me?"

"No." She smiled...he couldn't really see her, but he heard it in her voice.

"Good. Come'mere..." He pulled her down into his arms and produced his wand and started pointing out stars and she started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"I thought you were going to try to kiss me or something?"

He rolled over to face her. "Well, I can if ya want?"

"It's the something that makes me nervous," she said.  "I'm still...well...God, this is embarrassing!"

"Please don't be embarrassed?"

She started to speak and then sighed. "I'm, I'm a oh geez! Why is this so hard?"

He laughed quietly. "I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that just now."

"Oh god!" She covered her face with her hands.

"Alright," he said quietly as he pulled her hands away from her face. "Let's try this: would you say that you're untouched?"

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