Welcome To My Nightmare - Part Two

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"Wellll, fancy meeting yoooou herrre," Liesel said, slurring her words just a bit.

Sirius quickly got to his feet and smiled at the sight of her. He'd  never seen her looking so beautiful and he told her so. He rushed toward  her and took her hands in his to steady her. She fell into him,  clutching onto his dress robes for support.

Liesel felt her face grow hot and she craned her neck to look at him. "Thank yooou! Yooou loook goood tooo!"

"Would you like to sit down before you fall down?"

She giggled and nodded. "Yessssss pleeeeasssse?" He helped her to  the floor so that her feet dangled over the edge of the tub just as his  had been only moments prior. "W-whyyy arrre weee herrrre?"

"The punch was spiked. That's why you feel sooo...odd."

She shook her head. "I don't feeeel odd at alll. I feeell vvvverry goood, actttualllyyy."

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I can see that!" He reached over to  touch her face with the tips of his fingers and this thumb tenderly passed across her lower lip. "You're shitfaced Love!"

"I'm nnnot your love anymooore."

He looked deeply into her eyes. "You'll always be my love. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

She rolled her eyes and then closed them. "Thisss rrooomm'sss got to sstop sspinnnning thooough!"

He moved closer to her and held on to her so that she was leaning on  him. He told her everything and she listened to his voice as she  breathed in deeply. In her heart, she was aware of how much she missed  him and she slipped her arms beneath his dress robes and wrapped them around his waist then closed her eyes. She reached her hand to his  face and pulled him down to kiss her. Their kiss became heated and he  wanted to forget all about his desires and his plans and just take her  on the floor of the bathroom. She wanted him to help her forget the last few moments before entering the dance when Jonson had pinned her against the wall, lifted the skirt of her gown, her petticoat and all but ripped off her underwear and took her against her will. She wanted to forget that she couldn't fight him off, that she felt helpless. She wanted to forget the fear the boy instilled in her...if Sirius were to ever learn of it, he would no doubt seek Jonson out and kill him, or at the very least beat him to a pulp. Then Remus would kill him...slowly. Still, Sirius pulled away and she looked into his eyes and seen his wanting...she'd seen that particular look on his face more than a few times...for him, she would do it.

"I can do thiss yooou know."

He shook his head. "No Bobbie. I want you. Gods how I want you...but this isn't you."

"But it's what yooou waaannt," she whined.

"Not like this. That's something that Jonson would do! I love you too much to disrespect you like this."

"Awww.....Yooou ssstillll love me?"

"Of course I do! You think I can just nox my feelings like a light! Why do you think we're here! I wanted to warn you about him!"

"Ohhh, I knnnow he'sss full of ssshit!"

"You do?"

She nodded. "Heeee's an asshole! I simply cannn't ssstttannnd himm!"

Sirius perked up and smiled, his entire face lighting up. "Really!"

"Oooooh god! Yyyouuu can beee ssso thick! He thinks he's ssso  above eeeveryone because he's a Quiddtch God, I'mmm gonnnaa buurrnn  hisss asss!"

Sirius laughed and covered her face with little kisses and she  laughed. Then his face lost all expression. "Let him take you. Give him  bragging rights for a while. I'll take care of him later. Him and his  Brotherhood."

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