Mixing It Up

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Liesel's first day of classes began with potions with Professor Slughorn. She sat next to Kaitlin and was moved to sit next to a good-looking Slytherin boy...this was supposedly "to help with House-unity," the good Professor had said.

"Lovely. The American girl," he said under his breath.

She sighed and turned to him. "First, let's get one thing straight. I'm as British as you are."


"Damn, you're rude. I can see that this is going to be a long year," she muttered.

Liesel was welcomed to the class by Professor Slughorn and he called her to the front and gave her a mini-interview asking what her favorite potions recipes were. She hated being put on the spot, but she was told that it was going to happen. As she stood before the class, her mind went completely blank.

"Poor love," Kaitlin said. "We went over this..it's like she got stage fright...what rotten luck," she said to her Gryffindor partner who nodded.

Liesel's face lit up and she spoke as she glared at her potions partner. "Felix Felicis," she announced. "But I've only been able to produce it twice."

"Only twice! Well, that's quite the feat in itself!" He leaned in. "Although, I'm not surprised mind you. Your mother was one of my best potions' students in her day."

Liesel smiled and nodded. "She's the one who taught me how to brew it, Professor," she said quietly.

Professor Slughorn nodded and smiled. "Yes she was paired up with Eileen Prince as I recall. And unlikely pair, but they grew to be fast friends, as I'm hoping you and Mister Black will become." He placed his hand on her back between her shoulders. "Thank you, off you go."

Liesel's eyes grew large...Mister Black? She took her seat and looked at the boy seated next to her. "Black? Are you related to Sirius, then?"

"My wayward brother," he muttered.

"Oh. I take it you don't get along then?"

"Well, you're quite nosy aren't you," Regulus said.

"Yes I am. So, answer the question or I'll come up with my own conclusions and deal with you accordingly. Answer the question, and I won't have to guess," she whispered.

He turned his head slowly toward her and stared into her eyes. "No. I don't get along with him. Happy now?"

"Wow, they must feed you two grumpy puffs for breakfast," she said opening her book to look through it.

"Did you really brew Liquid Luck?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"It's very difficult."

"Yes it is," she said stiffly. "Are you any good at potions, Mister Black?"

"I can hold my own."

"Good. Because if you don't start acting slightly amicable, you're going to be on your own."

"If one of us fails, we both fail," he said.

She grinned. "We'll just see about that, Mister Black."

Professor stood in the middle of the room and eyed his students. "Since the cold and flu season is upon us, I thought we might start the class with a simple Pepper Up potion. Everyone, kindly turn to two-hundred and twenty-seven for the recipe. Once you're finished and I've checked your work, you're free to go to the Great Hall. I understand that they're serving a late breakfast today."

Liesel opened her book and read the list of ingredients. She looked around the room and watched as a few of the students moved to an area where hundreds of jars and bottles were stored. She got up from her seat and looked toward Regulus, who was writing down his list with his quill.

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