Tell Me When the Whistle Blows - Part Four

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"Hey, wake up!"

Sirius groaned and pulled the blankets over his head and hunkered down...his amazing dream had been rudely interrupted. He drifted back off instantly and was trying to get back to his dream...

"Aguamenti !"

Suddenly reawakened, he opened his eyes beneath the blankets. "Don't you dare," Sirius growled from beneath the blankets.

"Then get out of bed!"

Sirius sighed. "Fine." Sirius threw back his blankets and stared up in shock at the entire team standing around his bed. He looked to Alice, their second chaser and grinned as it had become clear just how good his dream had been. "Good thing that I didn't sleep naked last night, eh?

"Yeah, I'd be scarred for life," she groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, get dressed and meet us downstairs in the Common Room, There's some things you need to know..."

Once Sirius managed to venture downstairs and was seated at the large table, James explained about his late-night discussion with the good Professor and he watched Sirius' head hang down and he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Soon house elves were placing breakfast on the large table; Sirius attempted to decline. "No, you need to eat a good breakfast, Sirius."

"I'll eat in the Great Hall," he grumbled.

"No, you'll eat here with the rest of the team!"

"I want to see Liesel!"

"Did you not hear a word that I told you!"

"I heard you just fine James, there is no need to raise your voice."

"What did I say!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed. "That the entire Hufflepuff team is coming after me. I got it."

"My god man! You're not the least bit unnerved by that? I certainly am!"

Sirius shook his head and James stared at him from over his glasses. Finally, he nodded his head. "Alright, a little bit."

"That's why we're all going to take turns defending you today. You're going to play keeper."

Sirius sneered and sighed. "But keeper is boring!"

"Won't be today."

"I prefer to move, James you know that! I can't just sit still and wait to be attacked!"

"That's why we're all going to take turns defending you. You defend the hoops and we'll defend you. As long as there are to bludgers and two bats, then there's only two beaters."

"That's stretching it and you know it James."

"If they can manage to get too close then you can use the Knock Back Jinx."

Sirius shook his head as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "No wands allowed, James."

"I know that. That's one you can do without a wand," James replied. "I know you can."

"Let me play my position James. That way I can defend legally. Please don't waste Remus and Lily's efforts!"

James hung his head and sighed. Finally, he looked to the team. "Alright, we'll put it to a vote. All in favor of Sirius playing his position, say, aye..."

Sirius leaned back in his chair, balancing it on the back two legs, grinning when the team voted to allow him to play his original position.

"Another reason that I've got to play my position," Sirius added in a low voice.

"What's that," Alice asked.

"If I don't, the Seekers are on their own. No offense, Tommy. But I'm a better beater and you're a better Keeper."

Keeper, Thomas Belvedere nodded as he sipped on his coffee. "True."

"You've got a point," James said, sighing. "This is a conspiracy, I can tell," he grumbled.

"No, just trying to maintain the integrity of the game as well as my girl's reputation. If I don't play Beater, they'll know that she told us as well."

James playfully sneered. "I knew it! You're doing it for looooooove!"

"Shut up." Sirius reached out and swatted James on the back of his head as the team members pretended not to notice.

"Fine. We'll play our usual kick-arse game."

Sirius and the team laughed and stood at the breakfast table as they raised their beverages in the air. "TO GRYFFINDOR!"

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