Chapter One

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--Your Pov--


Tord looked over at Tom and smirked. He walked over to you and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled and hugged back, digging your face into his hoodie. He was warm, and comforting. You heard sniffling and you looked up. Tom was tearing up, and it wasn't from joy either. You frowned and lifted your head.

"Tom... a-are you crying?"

Tord broke the hug and turned to face Tom with a surprised face.

"N-no." Tom hid his face and started to back off to his room. "I need to go!" Tom took off to his room.

"Wait, Tom!"

Tord put his hand on your shoulder to hold you back. He bend over slightly to come level with you.

"He'll be fine. Besides, we have to leave." Tord sighed.


"Remember that place I went to during college?" You nodded. "Yeah, they need me again."

"Your leaving again?"

"I want you to come with me." Tord said.

You looked out into the living room and glanced back towards Tom's room.
'Do I really want to leave my friends?'
You looked at Tord and felt trust.

"Okey, I'll come."

//Time Skip\\

You fluttered your eyes open and sat up. You yawned and stretched. You stood up and started to pack up your stuff. Tord had explained everything overnight to everyone, including you. You were the first one up. When you were half way done boxing, Tom came out of the hallway, yawning. When he spotted you, he stopped. Both of you stood awkwardly while staring at each other for a while.

"Um... hey F/N." Tom frowned sadly and started to walk to the kitchen.

"Hey Tom, sleep alright? I'm sorry that I'm leaving and that I made you feel this way."

"Nah, i-it's fine. All is dandy. You love him more than me and I'm perfectly cool with your decision." Tom was facing away from you, making coffee.

"No your not. If you really are, turn towards me and say it to my face, say it plainly, like you have no problem."

Tom hesitated as his coffee brewed. He sighed and turned to you.

"I am perfectly cool with your decision of Tord over me." Tom said, then turned back to his coffee.

You were kinda surprised at how good he handled saying that, let alone saying the same thing again. He picked up his coffee and sat in the sofa chair next to the couch. He turned on the Tv and sipped his coffee. You only stared at him.

"Don't stare at me, you chose Tord." Tom said, not even turning his head to you.

You heard the statement and looked away.
'Was I actually looking at Tom?'
You didn't know, you were caught up in your thoughts.

"Boo!" Someone yelled behind you, making you scream.

You turned back and smiled at them.

"Yammit Tord."

You playfully punched his arm.

"Are you ready?" Tord asked.

"I think we should say goodbye to everyone first."

"Alright." Tord stood straight and helped you up from the couch.

You and Tord left Tom and went to Edd's and Matt's rooms. You woke them up and dragged their sleepy butts out of bed. Everyone changed into their daytime clothes, then you and Tord loaded everything into his car. Matt and Edd didn't want to see you leave, and Tom... he acted like he never had any feelings for anyone. He stood straight and still with his arms crossed. You hugged Matt and Edd goodbye. Tom wouldn't let you near him. You and Tord waved bye to them as Tord drove the car away. You watched in the mirror as they kept getting smaller and smaller. Eventually, the little blobs of blue or green disappeared over a hill. You sighed and looked over at Tord.

"Hey..." Tord started. " know that you didn't have to come. I was going to come back."

"Yeah but how long would that have been? I don't like being alone, Tord. I have been my whole life."

"Alone? You would have had Matt, Edd, and Tom." Tord mumbled Tom's name.

"Well Matt is just my cousin, not that I hate him or anything! I'm just saying that he's family and he doesn't count. I don't really feel like Edd could make me feel better. And Tom, well...."

You were at a loss for words. Tord glanced at you, and smiled.

"Alright, I get it." He took your hand and squeezed it.

You smiled at him and looked out the window.

You woke up in the car. It was midnight and Tord was sleeping in the drivers seat. The car was turned off and parked somewhere in the woods.
'When did we get here?'
You looked in the mirror at the road in the distance. You looked at Tord and smiled. He was cute when he slept. You lay back and try to get comfortable. When on the verge of sleep, you heard wood cracking. You thought nothing of it since it was the woods and tree branches crack a lot, but then you payed full attention to two large crashes that rumbled the ground below the car. You shot up and looked in the mirror. A large tree had fallen over the road. You looked forward, another downed tree across the road. Tord was still sleeping. You shrugged off the event and tried to sleep again, but this time, you heard something grab hold of the car door handle. Your door started to creak open. You grabbed the handle and closed the door. You looked out the window but nothing was near your door. Another door started to open, Tord's door. You turned around and saw his door creaking open.


Your scream woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.

"Oh, hey F/N." Tord said.

You stopped everything and froze. Long, skinny, coal black fingers rose up from under the car. They reached for Tord.

"Hey, how did we get here again?" Tord asked.

Before you could warn Tord about the fingers, they pierced through his chest. Blood spattered all over your front side and your side of the car. Tord grabbed the fingers as blood dropped from his mouth.

"W-what the He-" The fingers yanked out of him and more blood came from his mouth and chest.

Tord coughed up blood violently as the fingers latched around his foot that was hanging out the car door.

"Tord!" You reached for him but he was dragged away before he had a chance.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you dug through the backseat of Tord's car. Tord's screams became more and more distant as he was dragged farther into the woods by the second. You could hear something along with Tord, he was trying to shoot the thing with his gun. Though he only thought about that idea just a few seconds before the screams stopped without warning. You hesitated, the screams stopped. He wasn't out of hearing range, you knew it. He was dead. You dashed your vision around the outsides of the car. Who knew how much time you hand before IT came back for you. You felt a weird shape and you pulled it out from the bottom of the back seat. It was Tord's 9mm pistol. You loaded it as fast as you could and you waited with your gun aimed. Whatever IT was, you were ready to take on.

(I love writing dreams or nightmares. Nightmares especially. If you ever need help with a dream or nightmare, please private message me on my other account. GamingGhost0

More To Come My Ghosties!)

Blood(Tord X Reader)(Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz