Chapter Twenty-Eight

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--Your Pov--

"Danny, get Fridthjof some clothes. Casey, bring all the equipment back to their original spots. And Drake and Patryk, get Fridtjof's dead body out of here." They nodded as you started to walk out of the building.

You pushed the doors open and walked back to Tord's room. You plopped down onto the bed and groaned into the sheets. Then you fell into a deep sleep.

//Time Skip\\

--Tord's Pov--

I lifted my head as the lights flipped on. I was momentarily blinded but soon regained my eyesight in the light. I have been in the same chair for two days, almost three. Yeah I eat, drink, and go. But still, that's it. They keep trying to get information out of me. By cutting me and what not. Someone knocked at the door and then entered.

"Hey hey hey! How's my favorite devil?" Håvard walked in with a tray of food.

I growled at him. He had a smug smile plastered on his face. He set the tray down on the table next to me and he knelt down next to me.

"Why don't you just give up? What is your real name? Who is your fiancé? Who is leading the Red Army now? Will they attack? If so, how soon?" Håvard unloaded his questions.

"I never give up and I never tell anyone my real name!" I snapped. "And I won't tell you who my fiancé is either. Plus, I've already told you that the Red Army has disbanded, if not, then it is disbanding."

".... You keep playing the same card." Håvard sighed, irritated.

"Shut up." I glared at him.

"Hey, what if I told you my real name?" He suggested. "Then will you tell me yours?"

"Your real name isn't Håvard?" I quizzed.

"Pft. No. I'm British, not Norwegian, remember?" He chuckled. "But will you tell me your name?"

I thought for a moment.

"Sure." I said.

"Great, I'm James." Håvard said, smiling. "What's your real name?"


"Fruck you!" He slammed his fists on the table, making the tray jump.

He stood up and walked over to my right side. He ripped his knife out of his holster and slashed it across my cheek. I screamed as I felt the blade slide through my soft skin. The short seconds of it going through my skin felt like hours. My other cut is almost healed, but I know this won't get close to healing in two days. He let my blood drip off his knife and onto the floor. He put his blade back into his holster and walked back over to the light. He grabbed the switch and turned it off. Now I was left in total darkness again.

"You're worthless you know." James slammed the door behind himself as he left.

'I need to get out.'

I remembered where the table was, with the tray. I hopped the chair over to it and tried to get the fork that rested on the tray.

'I've never done this before but that doesn't mean I can't do it.'

--Your Pov--

//Time Skip\\

You woke up to the sun shining on your face. You sat up in the bed and rubbed your face.

'Today. I'll get him back today.'

You jumped out of bed and dressed like a leader would. You brushed your H/C hair and brushed your teeth. Then you barged out the door. You looked around and spotted Paul holding his clipboard in both hands, walking around the wall. You jogged over to him.

"Paul, report." You ordered.

"The wall was finished a lot sooner then what was estimated. We already have some soldiers up on the walkway with their rifles." Paul answered.

"Great. Do you know if Carl and Henry are back? Or if Jake is finished setting up the archery targets?" You ask, glancing around.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't." He shook his head.

"Well, I need you to help Patryk with the War-Beast Project." You said as you turned away from him. "He's in the Medi-Cells."

You heard Paul start to walk off as you did the same.

'Let's try the Melee Stations.'

So you headed over to the Melee Stations. And sure enough, there was Jake, Henry, and Carl having a serious looking chat with Clyde. But they stopped as soon as they noticed that you had stepped into the room. They all saluted to you.

"How many bows and arrows were you two able to get?" You asked Henry and Carl.

"25 each." Carl answered. "50 should be enough for about a quarter of this army."

"True." You thought for a moment. "Hey Jake, did you finish setting up the targets?"

"They are all ready to get shot." He smiled.

"Terrific." You responded. "I'm gonna call all soldiers to the flag, and I'm gonna choose 50 to be in my plan."

"Wait... plan?" Clyde rose a brow. "What plan?"

"The one that I've been working on for the three days I've been Red Leader." You glared at Clyde. "Don't question me."

He slumped a bit. You turned on your heel and walked out of the room. You stormed to your office and grabbed the microphone. You pressed the button and put the microphone to your face.

"Attention all soldiers, please report to the flag. Be ordered in rows and columns so I can walk between each of you." You released the button and set down the microphone.

You sped walked out of your office and to the flag. Soldiers were gathering fast. You traveled to the spot under the flag. Everyone was scrambling for a place to stand. You watched as the cluster of people slowly organized into rows and columns.

//Time Skip\\

After everyone was situated, you started to walk around the flag.

"Now, I have called you all here for a reason, and a good reason it is." You announced. "I have a plan. And 50 of you will be included. So you need to be prepared for whatever happens, wether I choose you or not." You hollered as you walked to a random line. "I'll start with this row."

(Oh my gosh, 1k reads! Yay! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been busy working on animations and not writing. Sorry.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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