Chapter Thirty

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--Your Pov--

"What? Where?" You jump.

"Well, I think it was him. Everyone in the base are wearing green camouflage and there was just one person wearing red and blue. I'm actually not completely sure." Jacob answered.

"Mmm." You groan, thinking of your plan. "Okay. Everyone, out."

Everyone rushed out of the bush and stood in the small, now cramped and hidden space.

"I need Carl to lead squad 5." You order as they start organizing themselves. "You are gonna go around the walls and see if there is anyway inside other than the front door. Go."

The group took off.

"Squad 3." They departed into a small group. "Jacob is leading. Spread out among the trees and watch out for any British soldiers that are hanging outside the walls. Make sure Squad 5 doesn't have to deal with them. Use your bows to take them out."

They saluted and ran off into the trees. You heard them climb up them. You turned to the rest of the group.

"And now we wait." You said.

//Time Skip\\

"Red Leader. We have taken out any guards that surrounded the base's walls, making it so that the wall is the only thing keeping us from inside." Jacob hung upside down from a nearby tree. "Has squad 5 returned?"

"We have found a small opening in the wall on the far west side Red Leader." Carl reported with his squad following close behind.

"Perfect." You smile. "Head out." You start the trek to the opening.

You stamp your boots on the green grass and pound dandelions into the ground. You push past branches and step over tree roots. Eventually, you make it to the far west side. You stop and stare at a hole in the towering wall. You reach your hand over to the corner and you peer around the corner. It was pitch black inside except for small rays of light hitting the dirt. You pushed yourself into the small space.

"Red Leader? Shouldn't one of us be checking it out before you venture in?" Patryk worried behind you.

"Are you questioning me?" You turn your head to him as you stop crawling.

"Oh no. Sorry ma'am." Patryk apologized as you continued.

You crawled a little farther, then you looked up. You looked between some small cracks that let in some light. You strained your eyes to see through the small openings. You heard hinges on a door creak open and someone step into the room. You lowered so your face was concealed by the surrounding darkness but so you could still see. They stepped over your head.

"Anything useful from him today?" A commanding voice asked.

"Um well uh... there's a bit of a problem s-sir." You heard a familiar voice answer.

"Well, spit it out then!" The commanding voice ordered.

"The Red Leader has escaped somewhere." The familiar voice said quickly.

"Heh heh. Uh what?" The voice now sounded like it was holding back rage.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry sir." The man panicked.

"We need to find this devil and keep him locked up!" The guy yelled, slamming his hands on a table. "How'd he even get out!?"

"Um- I think he used the fork I left on the tray-" The man quieted his voice.

"He used a FORK!?" He commanding voice yelled and stood up. "I expected MORE of you, James."

Then it clicked.

'That's Håvard! He lied about his name too!? Ooohhh when I get my gloves on him!'

You watched as James started to back up.

"I'm so sorry sir! I swear I'll catch him! A-and he won't get away!" James panicked.

"You swear way too much." James was grabbed by the collar.

Next thing you know, the man slammed James to the floorboards. You watched as tiny pebbles fell onto your head. James yelled in agony as he rolled across the floor, holding his shoulder.

"Sir-sir-" He tried.

"Sir. Sir. Please. Oh keep your door shut!" The demanding voice mimicked. "Cry me a river. Build me a bridge. GET OVER IT!" James got kicked in the side.

The evil man exited the room with a slam of the door. You sighed sadly, not knowing that James had it so hard.

'Maybe that's why he really tried so hard to get Tord here....'

James groaned as he grinned his shoulder and side. You looked back at your small army of 50. They looked concerned as to what happened. You turned back to James and did something NO ONE would have done.

"Pst. Hey." You whisper as quiet gasps sound from behind you.

James jumped and winced.

"Ow." He looked around, startled. "Hello?"

"Down here bud." You stick your fingers between the floorboards. "See me?"

"I-it's you!" He jumped. "How'd you get here? How'd you find us? And how'd you even get under there?" He looked very confused.

"Classified information, Håvard-or should I say JAMES?" His face fell. "Looks like you're not so tough at your own base ya liar!"

He sighed heavily before responding.

"No. I only have short bursts of those moments." He sat up. "I'm sorry. And, I know why you're here, but I'm sorry to say, I'm not sure where he is anymore."

"So I heard." You sighed. "I have an offer for you James."

He perked up.

"Like?" He leaned in close so he could hear.

"You don't seem like you want to be be here." You said. "Do you?"

James hesitated.

"If you're insisting that I leave along with you, it's not happening. I belong to the British Army." He turned away.

"Well, if you did, you wouldn't be the first to change over." You glanced back at Justin.

"What? Who here would betray us and join your stink'n army?" He zipped his vision towards you.

You thought a risk.

"Justin." You slowly said.

"The fu-" You heard him pushed through the soldiers behind you. "Why would you tell him that!?" He yelled at you.

"Justin!?" James sounded shocked. "You're here!?"

"You bet I am!" Justin looked through the crack. "And I need to talk with you."

You turned to the crack and looked at James's face. He looked scared.

(Well, I'm sorry for the wait. I wrote some, wrote some in another book, then back to this book, then back to the second book, and back and forth until I finished each thing. And chapter 30!? Honestly, I don't know how I've made it this far. But thank you everyone for the support so far! I'll try to update as quickly as I can to make up.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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