Chapter Thirty-One

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--Your Pov--

"Can you help us get him back?" You ask.

"Um... I don't know." James sighed.

"Here... I'll have that talk with him." Your brother pushed you aside. "I don't want you listening."

You backed off and exited the small space. You stood around the corner and waited, but you still could hear them talking.

"James, come on man. You owe me and I'm letting you off easy. Just help us out here." Justin compromised.

"I don't know. It's too much of a risk. If our leader finds out-"

"He's not gonna find out." Your brother interrupted. "Listen, we were partners so we stick together! Join us."

There was a moment of silence.

"Fine." James puffed. "But I'm not gonna join your friends."

"Okay F/N, he's in." You walked back into the crawl space.

"James, I want to know how we can get in without being noticed. Can you tell us that? I promise that all we want is Tord and then we'll leave without killing any of your friends." You ask.

"I think I know one way.... Ever since Justin was captured, I took his place and have had access to some more parts of the base. I was exploring and I found a door but I don't know where it goes, I haven't really had the time." He shrugged, standing up. "Oh shoot. The boss is coming back, I gotta go. Um, I'll send a message."

Then without another word, he slipped out of the window as the leader entered through the door. Both you and your brother backed off into the forest as to not get heard.

"Okay, I need Squad 3 to watch out for whatever James's message may be. Then we'll take action." You order. "Go."

The whole Squad climbed the wall and got in comfortable positions.

"I have eyes on James, he's heading over to the North point of the wall." Jacob reported. "And he's reflecting the sun with his name tag."

"Lets go!" You order, running to the Northern point of the base.

//Time Skip\\

You slowed to a stop.

"He just entered the door. Now what?" Jacob asked, looking down at you.

All of a sudden, there was a bang on metal. A stump started to open at the top and James crawled out.

"Huh, who would've thought?" He asked. "Oh, hurry up, most of the soldiers are at lunch at the Southern point."

"Squad 1, follow me. The rest of you, stay here no matter what." You order.

"Why not me? I used to serve this place! I basically have camouflage powers in there!" Justin spoke up.

"Like I've said many of times before, I don't want you hurt or DEAD. For all we know, someone could know about your betrayal and could be waiting for the right moment to strike. Let's go guys." You told your brother before closing the hatch above you.

'This reminds me of the secret tunnel at the Red Army base.'

You lead the group of eleven down the barley lit tunnel.

"So, not to question your choices or anything but... you brought Justin but won't let him do anything?" Patryk walked up alongside you.

"Yeah... I knew he wouldn't leave me alone if I said 'no' before. And now I had the chance to get away before he could protest again." You gave a small laugh.

"Oh alright." He nodded. "And when we reach the end... then what?"

"Um...." You thought.

"We should enter a small area that is swallowed by darkness so you'll have some time to think of what to do." James walked up to your other side.

"Oh okay." You nod. "Is that the exit?"

"Yeah." He ran ahead and opened the door, looking out to check the corner. "It's clear."

You sped up Squad 1 and exited through the door. You took in all the routes and exits of the small space. Only 1 of each. You popped your head around the dark corner and looked across the empty ground.

"That building is where your leader WAS being held. There's still a chance that he could be hiding in there." James pointed to a big gray building.

"Is there a recommended way to get over there other than just running across the empty space?" You quiz.

"Oh yeah, like I'd be traveling to other places of the base by other than just walking."

You sighed and slapped him.

"Be serious." You growl.

"Geez.... No, I don't know any other way." He answered.

"We could try to climb the walls and jump over rooftops." Jake suggested.

"We don't have any of the equipment, smart one." Drake slapped the back of Jake's head.

"Alright, stick to the walls and don't make any sound... it's getting dark out." You order as you start running to another building.

"What?" Patryk panicked.

"She wants us to use the shadows." Paul cleared up as everyone ran out.

James calmly walked across the middle of the ground to the building. You reached the doors first, but James entered first.

"I'll go ahead and check." He said as you nodded.

He ran around a sharp corner. It took a couple of seconds but he finally returned.

"It's clear." James gave the words.

You signaled your Squad to follow up behind you. You entered through the door James opened and entered a dark room. Someone turned on a light and you saw a sideways chair and a fork on the ground.

'This was definitely him.'

You take a few steps forward into the silent room.

"Hey... anyone see him?" You ask, but there was no response.

You turned around, but no one was there. You started panicking.

'Did he just betray us?'

"F/N!" You looked up with happiness.

"Tord!" You smile, but also wondered how he got up there.

"Ah... you need to run!" He warned. "They're too s-strong!"


"Why hello, new Red Leader." You whipped around to come face to face with the leader of the British army. "Isn't it just a surprise to see you here? You know, James told me you were gonna enter this room but I didn't believe him, until I actually saw you."

"James did betray us! That scoundrel!" You glanced back as the door opened behind you.

"Sorry... I gotta keep my loyalty to my base." He shrugged.

"I'm gonna pop your head clean off your shoulders when I get down there!" Tord hollared before letting out another scream.

"No you don't honey~" A female voice purred, cutting Tord.

"Thank you Tess." James smiled.

"Then I'm gonna do it!" You yelled, taking a step toward James.

You were pulled back by your arm.

"You're not going anywhere sweet pea~" The leader purred in your ear.

(I'm literally so freaking sorry! I've been caught up in my EddsWorld OneShots book! I'm so sorry!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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