Chapter Thirty-Four

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--Your Pov--

You struggled off the bed. You just had a weird talk with Varg. It wasn't anything important, he just wanted to talk with you about Tord and the Red Army. The first thing you did was check up on Tord. He was sitting up right when you entered the room.

"Looks like you are doing better." You commented.

"He's not supposed to be sitting like that but since he's the old Red Leader, I can't really do much about it." Bjørn sighed, flipping some papers over.

"Tord, how are you feeling?" You sat next to him.

"Why better now that you're here. This doctor is so boring." Tord motioned towards Bjørn.

Bjørn rolled his eyes. You sat down next to Tord.

"Do you think there is anything else the base needs as of the moment?" You quiz, listening closely.

"Well what happened after you dropped me off here? I mean how did the fight go?" Tord grabbed hold of your hand.

"It went alright I guess. They had a bomb hidden in the base-"

"WHAT!" Bjørn and Tord jumped.

"-but we destroyed the remote." You thought for a moment. "I should probably have a team look for the bomb too.... Anyways, we captured James and the British Leader ran away with a arrow in his shoulder." You shrugged.

"He escaped?" Tord frowned.

"With an arrow in his shoulder." You reminded him.

"But he's still alive F/N!" Tord rose his voice. "Sorry."

"It's okay, he won't be back anytime soon." You smiled.

"Then again... you say 'soon'. That means he will come back." Tord thought, staring straight ahead for a moment. "F/N, I want you to send out a search party for him and when they find him, to capture not kill. But if they can't capture him alive, then I guess we'll have to capture him dead. Do you know what I mean?"

"I think so." You responded unsurely. "Wanted dead or alive. Um, basically."

Tord nodded and gave you a small kiss on the lips. You smiled and walked out. You found Henry, Casey, and Danny talking outside of the Medi-Cells. You interrupted their conversation.

"Excuse me soldiers but I have word from the old Red Leader that we must stop our playful nonsense and go searching for the British Leader that escaped us." You looked at each of their faces. "Also we need a team to find and deactivate the bomb James and his leader planted somewhere around here."

"I'll look for the bomb!" Danny rose his arm suggestively.

Henry looked over at him, looking irritated.

"Oh look at you now. Trying to be all brave." Henry crossed his arms. "Oh look at me! My name is Danny and I want to look for a bomb so people think I'm tough even though I'm a little wimp!"

"Hey, shut up Henry!" Danny turned to him angrily.

"Hey hey hey!" You stepped in between them to break up the fight. "I said we have no time for this!"

"You're right Red Leader." Danny stood down.

Henry grabbed his arm and looked down at the ground.

"Now Danny, gather Drake and Jake and get searching." You ordered.

"Yes Red Leader." He saluted and ran off.

You watched as he stopped and looked around, then took off to the left saying "Oh right!"

"Casey, gather Carl and Patryk. Go find the British Leader."

Casey nodded and turned around, walking off. You glanced back at Henry as you turned to go to the office. There were some more papers that had been needing a check over.

//Time Skip\\

You signed another paper and put it in the stack. It was related to the party long before James became a problem. It sparked a memory.

'You felt the heat of his body on your arms. Everyone around you two grabbed a friend or their girlfriend... or boyfriend, and started dancing.'

You stopped signing the next paper halfway through your name.

'But Varg didn't want gay people in his army. And if Varg doesn't want them in here, then Tord doesn't... what did he do to Patryk?'

You pushed away from your desk and open the secret gun room.

'They like making random devices that are supposed to be impossible to make. What if they had created a mind control device or a memory wiping machine? If they had, surely it must be here.'

You searched through the shelves full of guns and blades.

'Where? Where?'

You found nothing but normal knives and guns. You closed the door and held yourself up on the desk.

'Does he have any other secret places?'

You went over to the other walls and started pressing on each individual brick, each doing the same. None of them pushed in like the one by the desk. You remembered how there had been a secret behind the painting in Varg's old office, but there weren't any paintings or anything on the wall that could hide anything. You sat back down in the chair, frustrated.

'Where do they do experiments? In the Medi-cells? No, they brought their experiments there. And they wouldn't leave the weapons at the Shooting Range or Melee Stations right? I'm gonna ask someone.'

You walked out of the office and spotted Danny, Jake, and Drake with goggles on as they randomly walked around, staring at the ground. You walked up to Danny and tapped his shoulder. He looked up and around. You grabbed the goggles and moved them to his forehead.

"Oh, hello Red Leader. Hold on guys." He looked at you.

"Did you find it yet?" You quiz.

He halfway winced and glanced back at Jake. Jake looked at Danny and nodded, walking forward. Jake reached into the packet he carried around his body. Jake carefully started to pull out a metal circle with holes.

"He hid not just one. They were underground near the Medi-cells, Melee Stations, Shooting Range, the field, the tents, the Experi-house, and... uh...." Jake froze.

Danny and Drake looked back at Jake with a face saying "Tell her!" Jake received the message and shakily responded.

"Your office and housing room."

(Spoiler Alert!

Thank you for 5k and 6k! I love the support! I want to try to update more but I have a EddsWorld OneShots book going to a second one pretty soon here and the other sequel to Only Two(Tord X Reader X Tom) plus I'm working on Believe Me(Edd X Reader)

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Thank you for 5k and 6k! I love the support! I want to try to update more but I have a EddsWorld OneShots book going to a second one pretty soon here and the other sequel to Only Two(Tord X Reader X Tom) plus I'm working on Believe Me(Edd X Reader). Okay but honestly, even if you don't like Edd enough to love him, I recommend reading it because I guess it's good? Anyone here reading that and this? But any who, I'm gonna try to write faster, just let me finish my geography and algebra homework please.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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