Chapter Seven

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--Your Pov--

"Hey! Hey, wait!" You rose your arms and started to chase Tord and Paul and Patryk carrying your brother. "That's my brother!"

They couldn't hear you over the cheering. They entered a hospital like building. You entered and spotted the end of Paul's suit head around a corner. This place was abnormally huge. It had large corridors with doors on either side. You guessed that they were locked.

'Corridors are locked, the doors are shut-'

While you tried to keep up with Tord and the others, you glanced inside the rooms. Normal people or soldiers were held and were sitting in a chair.

'Something came to life-'

This place was making you remember something but you couldn't figure out what it was. Lyrics? You passed through some more doors around a corner. You heard the sound of turning gear up ahead.

'Mechanical parts cold-'

You slowed to a walk to catch your breath. They unlocked and entered a room up ahead so you shot right after them. You stuck your foot in the door and entered. Paul and Patryk set your brother down on a hard bed as he winced in pain and gripped his thigh. Tord stared at him for a moment.

"And who may you be?" Tord asked.

You hid behind a stack of boxes.

"Who's asking?" Your brother returned.

"I'm Red Leader and I demand a direct order to MY question. Who. Are. You." Tord demanded.

"I don't feel like I should tell you anything." Your brother answered.

Your little brother was great at this game. He was so stubborn, he could do this for days, maybe even weeks, and if he tried, it would be months. You accidentally giggled because it reminded you of when you had to still put up with him. You saw Tord, Paul, Patryk, and your little brother turn their attention to you.

"Who goes there?" Patryk demands, pulling his 9mm pistol off his belt and aiming in your direction.

You rolled your eyes and stood up with your hands held up high. Patryk lowered his gun slowly and cracked a smile. Tord looked panicked and relieved at the same time.

"F/N! What are you doing? Help me!" Your brother stretched out his arms and grabbed the pistol off of Paul's belt.

He aimed at Tord's head and rested his finger on the trigger for a moment. Paul felt his belt and realized his gun was gone, but he took no time to realize that your brother had it. He turned towards Tord.

"No!" You scream.

Your brother pulled the trigger. A loud bang echoed throughout the room. No one seemed to breathe, time felt stuck, it felt frozen. Tord twisted on the floor after being pushed out of the way and stared at Paul. Paul slowly fell to the ground. A puddle of red seeped out from under his head. A light smoke exited the barrel of the gun your brother just shot. Little red dots covered his face and gun. Patryk froze and stared at Paul on the floor. Tord slowly reached for his gun as he started to turned to your brother.

"Stop!" You scream. "Patryk, get Paul to the infirmary, now! Justin, lay down your weapon! Tord put your gun back on your belt!"

Your brother-Justin-slowly set the gun down in front of him. Tord stood up and hooked the gun back in his belt. They both watched each other in return.

"F/N, what's going on here?" Justin asks as you grab the gun he set down.

"Ugh, it's a long story. Just, DONT shoot anyone else please." You ran your hand through your hair.

Tord grabbed your forearm and lead you close to the door.

"How do you know this... guy?" He whispered.

"He's my little brother." You sighed. "If you can, please resist each and every nerve that says to "kill him"".

"If I find out that one of my best soldiers die because of him... I'm sorry to say, I can't make any promises." Tord said, glaring at Justin.

You and Tord walk back over to your brother. You accidentally stepped in the blood of Paul. You looked down and stuck your tongue out.

"Eww." You moved your foot out of the puddle.

You set your foot down in a new spot and lifted up your foot to look under it.

'Bloody footprints, great.'

"So Justin, I think we got if on the wrong foot." Tord smiled.

"Really?" Your bother said with so much sarcasm, you didn't think it was safe to do around Tord.

"As you know now, I'm Tord, but you will call me Red Leader." Tord said.

"Why doesn't F/N have to call you that? Hey wait one second..." Justin looked at you, then Tord, than you again. "...something is going on. F/N, why are you here?"

"Me? Why are you here? Why did your group attack this base, it did nothing." You cross your arms.

"Well, I joined the British army, obviously." He gestured to his clothing. "Did you join the army to?"

"What? No!" You laugh. "Course NOT. I would never." Tord shot a glance at you. "Uh-hem, unless I need to, of course."

Justin moved his gaze to Tord for a short moment, then he returned it back to you.

"My group didn't attack this base until YOU guys started firing at us. Sure, I think I remember one of my troops saying they spotted a soldier wearing a old cyan or blue suit with two yellow dots on the shoulders and they asked for permission to kill but, I can't ask them to make sure because something happened. Oh wait, that's right. They DIED." Justin glared at Tord. "Why should I call you Red Leader but F/N doesn't have to?"

"Because..." You start as you lean onto Tord. "... he's my bf."

"Your best friend? Since when did you have one of those?" He tilted his head.

"No, Justin. The other bf." You corrected.

His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face for a moment, then disappeared almost twice as fast as it showed up.

"What's wrong?" You quiz.

"Well, at first, I was happy that you found someone you love and that someone loves you back." Justin said. "Because you never even had any friends or anyone or-"

"Alright, your point is?" You ask, irritated.

"Oh, yeah. Then it occurred to me who your bf was. That is him." Your little brother pointed at Tord. "I don't like him."

Tord growled and they set a death glare on each other.

"Everyone has their opinion." You shrugged. "Though I don't see why you don't like him, I respect your opinion. Not." You mumble the last word.

"Hmm, let me just make a list of reasons why you should NOT like him." He started. "One, he's the leader of this base. Two, this army is an enemy to the British army. Three, a team of his killed nine of my men. Four, HE FLIPPING SHOT MY THIGH!" Justin pointed to his thigh quickly.

"You'll be fine." Tord and you said at the same time.

"Are you seriously siding with an enemy?" Justin looked at you in disbelief, disappointment, and betrayal.

You widened your eyes and looked up at Tord.

'Am I siding with an enemy without knowing it?'

(Dang, it's literally 2:10 in the morning right now. Good thing it's Friday, or was. Yesterday was Friday, now it's Saturday.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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