Chapter Eight

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--Your Pov--

"No, I'm not siding with an enemy!" You snap, feeling hurt that your own brother said that about Tord.

"Yes you are! I can see the evil in his eyes." Justin pointed to Tord again.

"Tord, you should probably step out." You frown at Tord.

"Um, alright." Tord said and walked out to the hallway.

You closed the door behind him.

"Your delusional. What did army training do to you?" You ask your brother.

"I'm delusional!? Ha-excuse me, but I'm perfectly fine. The army training has nothing to do with this. I happen to be one of the highest ranked soldiers there. I WAS just one rank away from being a bodyguard to our leader. Your the delusional one." Justin responded.

You were taken back.

"Justin, just, stop!" You snap, tears welling up in your eyes. "I'm the older sister, you listen to me!"

"Unless I'm right and you KNOW it!" He countered.

"Just-" You inhale and straighten. "Just let me live my life the way I want to and I'll let you KEEP yours."

Justin widened his eyes as you walked out of the room. You closed the door behind yourself. Tord looked at you worried.

"Is everything alright?" He frowned.

"Yeah, just... he's not being reasonable. You should probably, do something about his thigh to." You brush past Tord.

--Tord's Pov--

F/N walked away from me, barley even making eye contact. Something happened in there. I turned and entered the room. I sped walked over to Justin and I grabbed his collar and I rose my fist so I was ready to punch him.

"Woah, woah, WOAH! What's going on?" Justin asked, surprised.

"What did you do to F/N? She's unhappy." I growl.

"I-I. All I did was tell her what she was doing was wrong. She wasn't believing me when I said she was wrong and I was right." Justin answered.

"Your her brother, your supposed to support her decisions and choices!" I pulled back my fist.

Justin covered his face with his arms in defense.

"I would if she was RIGHT!" He panicked the wrong words.

I growled and swung my arm at his face. When I struck the side of his head, I let go of his collar. He fell to the floor and landed on his right side.

"My thigh!" He yelled and reached for his thigh.

I stepped over to him and belt down. I grabbed his collar again.

"I want you to respect your older sister and treat her right, Justin." I growled. "If she doesn't feel happy by the end of the night, then you won't make it till morning." I threw him to the ground.

I turned and walked out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and sped walked down the hallway. People inside some rooms either lowered their heads or tried to hide themselves from my look. But some screamed or started throwing a tantrum. One grabbed their water bottle a care taker brought in and threw it at the shatter proof glass. I didn't  flinch. I stopped by the bar and picked up a beer. It didn't last long. When I walked out, I tapped on one my doctor soldier's shoulder.

"Go to cell C-99. A patient has a bullet in his right thigh." They nodded and took off.

I knew he couldn't escape without being noticed, besides, even if he escaped without anyone noticing, he would only be endangering himself, the British Army, and some innocent lives. I walked into my room. F/N was huddled under the covers in the bed. She was completely under the covers. I froze as I heard a muffled inhale.

"F/N? Are you alright?" I ask.

She exhaled and slouched under the covers. She didn't respond right away, but when she did, it hurt.

"I-I'm f-fine." She choked.

I rushed to the side of the bed and ripped the covers off. She inhaled sharply and straightened when she felt the covers get ripped off her head. She jerked her hand when I scared her and I watched as the silver blade cut across her left wrist. A dark red line flowed down her hand and into a towel she grabbed. She had a few more cuts on her left arm. I opened my mouth but no words came to my mind, none of the right words anyways. She stared into my eyes as I stared at her E/C eyes. She had tears rolling down her face and red blood soaking the towel. I snatched the blade from her hold and set it on my nightstand.

"Tord! I can explain!" She cried.

"There should be no reason to be doing that but go ahead, what is your reason?" I grabbed her good right wrist and brought her to the bathroom.

"I-uhm...." She stopped when I rinsed her wrist with the water in the shower.

The red soaked off her arm and onto the floor of the shower. The water at the bottom was stained red instead of white. She stared at her wrist without saying anything. I turned off the water and brought her over to the sink. She held her wrist in the sink as the blood started to drip off again. I opened a cabinet and grabbed a medical kit. I set it down next to her and readied everything. I picked up her wrist and cleansed it. She winced and jerked her arm back a bit but I had a firm grip on it. I tapped a rag on her wound and set it aside. I then continued to wrap a bandage around her wrist. I closed the medical kit and set it back in the cabinet. She still stared at her bandaged wrist. I lead her over to the bed and sat her down. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

"Why?" I whisper.

She didn't respond.

"Do you want to watch Tv?" I grabbed the remote and handed it to her.

She held the remote but remained motionless. She moved her attention from her wrist to the dark Tv screen but stopped.

"Yes? No? You have the remote, you can switch on the Tv in you want. The power is in your hands." I smile.

"I... I wish...." She stopped and turned to me.

"Go on, finish." I held her hand and squeezed it.

"I wish T-Tom was here."

(Woah, woah, WOAH! Where is this going? Why do you wish Tom was there, seriously, like... WHAT? By the way, I do actually have a brother named Justin but he's older than me, by like 10 or so years.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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