Chapter Twenty

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--Tord's Pov--

I darted around to the front of the tent and saw an unknown man pinning Patryk against the wall. Patryk swung his head into the man's head. Patryk landed on his feet after he was let go of. Håvard stumbled backwards and rubbed his head. Patryk ran to Håvard's side and slammed his elbow in the spot between Håvard's shoulder blades. Håvard fell to the ground and winced in pain. Patryk grabbed his gun and held it to Håvard's head. F/N ran over to me and hugged me tightly. She was shaking slightly. I wrapped my arms around her as I glared at Håvard.

"You must be Håvard." I said as F/N let go and walked close beside me.

"Fine, alright. You caught me. I am indeed Håvard." He lifted his face up, which was bruised and bleeding. "And you must be Red Leader."

I gave him a small nod. He smirked and fixed his position.

"I have a message."

//Time Skip\\

--Your Pov--

You sat on Tord's bed. You just remembered you wanted to talk to Patryk about him forgetting about loving Paul. How could someone forget about that?

--Tord's Pov--

I sat in my chair. Patryk held Håvard's hands behind his back. Carl and Henry were standing guard outside the building. Håvard had a long scratch along his cheek that bled as he smiled evilly up at me. Jake was standing at my side with Paul.

"What is your message?" I say bored.

"I was ordered to find this base and handover this message." He turned his head back to Patryk. "It's in my pocket."

Patryk slowly reached for one of his pockets. He pulled out a note folded in half. I nodded at Paul to grab the note. He walked over to Patryk and grabbed the note. Paul handed me the note. I unfolded it and read it.
'Leader to the base that has our troops, we know you're out there somewhere and we are getting closer each and every day. Hand over our soldiers and your base will be spared from our forces. -British Commander'
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I ripped up the note and let the pieces fall to the ground. Håvard still had his smug little grin plastered on his face.

"There is no way to threaten us if you don't know where we are." I said to Håvard. "You British are unintelligent." I hiss.

"Actually, we are smarter than you think." He spoke up. "We record which way each soldier goes, when they left, and when they should be back. If I don't return in 24 hours from now, they will know your base is here and we will crush you Norwegian terrorist group under our boots."

I felt a heavy weight tug on my shoulders. But there was nothing touching me. This built up my stress levels even more. I felt something wet slide down my face. I wiped it off and realized I was sweating.

'They are smarter than I thought.'

I stood up and walked over to Håvard. I motioned Patryk away. He let go of Håvard and stood back. I grabbed his head and kneed his chin. He flew back and landed on his back. He laughed madly as he checked his lip for blood. Under his chin was a red and bruised spot. He smiled up at me.

"What's wrong? Afraid to lose?" He laughed. "Did we finally get you, after all these years?"

I growled deep in my throat and stepped closer. I bent down over him and grabbed his collar. Rage surged through my body everywhere. He didn't change his expression, it was glued onto him. I slammed my head into his. His head flew back and he slowly lifted it back up, but he STILL smiled. I threw him into a wall and kicked his side. He held his side with both hands in agony. I put my hand up and made a signal to take him somewhere.

"Medi-cells. Cell E-94." I ordered.

Paul and Jake grabbed Håvard by his arms and carried him off to the cell. I fell to my knees and slammed my fists onto the ground. Patryk rushed over to my side, worried.

"Red Leader sir? What's wrong?" He asked, lifting me up.

"Our base is in danger."

--Paul's Pov--

Jake and I reached the Medi-cells. Håvard kept his head down as we carried him down the long and never ending hallway. He didn't struggle or anything. We dragged him down the torch lit stone stairs. We stopped before Fridtjof's and Fridthjof's cells. I grabbed a hold of Håvard's arms while Jake unlocked the cell door. It creaked and scraped against the old rusted metal under it, making it harder to open. But Jake finally opened it and we threw Håvard into the empty cell. He stumbled a bit but regained his balance. He looked around the space and headed over to a wooden surface to sit on. He sprawled out on the bench and sighed.

"Don't get comfortable!" Jake snapped. "You should worry what Red Leader will do to you!"

"Why? I need my sleep. Plus, he'll be too busy trying to save the base to bother with me. Which means your base will be destroyed and I get to live. Win-win." Håvard said.

"How is that a win-win?" I asked, resting on the bars of the cell.

"I live so that is a win for me." He yawned. "And your base being destroyed is a win for my army."

"You don't understand how win-wins work." I barked. "You selfish piece of...." I didn't even finish the sentence.

Jake glanced at me.

"Do you think Red Leader would be mad if we feed him to Fridtjof or Fridthjof?" He asked as if he was going to do it no matter what Red Leader said.

"I don't know. We might need something from him and he hasn't ordered a death or punishment for him yet so...." I shrugged.

"Fine." Jake locked the cell door and we headed back to Red Leader's office.

(01:45 in the morning and I need to get up for church at like 9 so.... I don't think I'm gonna actually wake up when my alarm goes off. I might end up sleeping through it... again. And it's bad because I need to go to church! By the way, 20 CHAPTERS! WOO!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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