Chapter Five

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--Your Pov--

"Hey, Patryk? You uh... you done there?" You ask, tapping his shoulder again.

"Oh yeah, I'm done. What is it that you want?" Patryk responded.

"Do you know where Tord is?" You quiz.

"Tord?" He echoed Tord's name. "Who is that again?"

"Erm... I meant your leader."

"If you mean Red Leader, he just left to the weaponry." Patryk pointed behind you. "He left kinda just before you arrived."

"Alright, thanks." You smile and wave as you exit the bar.

You walked out into the blinding sun. You covered your eyes with your hands and walked to the weaponry.

//Time Skip\\

You sat next to Tord in the weaponry. You watched him order troops around. He pointed to a corner saying, "That gun rack goes there". Then he looked over at a soldier standing, doing nothing.

"What are you doing soldier!? Move that shelf over to that wall!" He barked at the soldier.

He jumped and brought the shelf over to the wall Tord pointed at. He was barking orders left, right, and center. He was was the leader though and the arrangements he was making for the weaponry were pretty good.

//Time Skip\\

You sat in Tord's room on his bed. You were reading a book about fighting techniques. You thought that since you were pretty much part of an army now, you should have a way to protect yourself or someone else if you needed to. Tord was still out somewhere in the base barking orders at troops to 'fix this' and 'change that' and 'do this now or I'll slit your throat' kind of things. It didn't bother you, however. You stood up and looked at the picture. It showed a person punching.

'Should be able to do that I mean, I don't think I know anyone who can't.'

You set the book down on Tord's bed. You punched the air awkwardly. It was weird, just punching air. You stopped and picked up the book. Tord walked in through the door. He rubbed his face and plainly walked past you. He walked until his legs touched the bed and he leaned onto the bed. He collapsed on it, groaning through the sheets.

"You okey?" You walked over to one of his sides.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you down onto the bed beside him. He pulled you into a kiss, a deep kiss. When you were pulled to his side, you had dropped the book so don't worry, it wasn't poking you in the side or anything. You melted into the unexpected kiss. He pulled away and sighed. He was stressed but he still loved you.

"I'm stressed, is all, but no amount of stress will disintegrate my love for you." He tapped your nose and smiled.

You returned the smile.

"Hey, you know what? I think you should get to boss around a few troops tomorrow, maybe just to get the feel of it if you ever needed or wanted to take over." Tord shrugged.

Your smile seemed to fade just a bit. You didn't really feel like you WANTED to do that. You saw how they panicked when Tord watched them do their work. But Tord was right. If you did have to do it one day... might as well know how to correctly boss people around.

"You should see how much I finished today." Tord said. "The weaponry, armory, and melee stations are all better. The old leader had things so messed up." Tord mumbled the last sentence.

"Can I practice at the melee stations tomorrow? Maybe do that instead of acting like the backend of a donkey to the troops?" You ask.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy-wait! Are you saying that I act like a piece of you-know-what to my soldiers?" Tord looked outraged.

You snickered lightly and shrugged. He smiled again and kissed you on your forehead.

"I love you." Tord whispered.

"I love you too Tord."

//Time Skip\\

--Tord's Pov--

I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around the room. Same old, same old. I jumped out of bed and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed my newly tailored Red Leader suit. Being leader is great and all but it's pretty stressful. The new soldier suits are being tailored and passed out throughout the entire army. The old leader didn't know how to run this place right. He had ugly cyan or blue suits that crawled up your neck and it had a yellow spot on each of the shoulders. It made me sick. I went into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I walked out and set my pajamas on the end of my bed. F/N was still peacefully sleeping. I wrote a note, stuck it on the door, and I walked out the door.

'F/N said she wanted to be at the melee stations today. Maybe she doesn't want to order my soldiers. Yet again, I'm pretty sure she would just tell me that. On the other hand maybe she wanted to be polite and not say she didn't want to do it. But yet again, what if she had to take over if I died or was captured or what not? Whatever the case is, I'll figure it out. I'm just gonna focus on what she wants for now before she wakes up.'

I walked through the doors of the melee stations building. One of my soldiers were cleaning the counter. When he glanced up and noticed it was me, he saluted.

"Listen closely soldier." I leaned on the counter. "When a female not dressed in army clothes walks through these doors, I want you to teach her anything she asks and give her a verity of choices. Address her as F/N." I leaned in even more so I knew it was uncomfortable for him. "Don't try anything funky either. Or you'll feel pretty silly after."

He stood uncomfortably as I grinned and walked out the door, waving my hand once.

"Have a good day."

(Really didn't know what to write for this chapter. I spent about 6 and a half hours reading the third book in the Wings of Fire series. I can't wait to get to the forth, then the fifth, and when I get it, the sixth. Tui T. Sutherland, you did a freaking great job. No wonder it has 'New York Times Best Selling Series' on it.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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