Chapter Four

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--Tom's Pov--

"Tom! Come on out! You haven't left your room since F/N left! It's been two days! This is crazy! You need to eat and drink something other than your stupid Smirnoff!" Edd shouted through the door.

"Leave me alone Edd!"

"Tom! Get your lazy, sad, tush out here now!" Edd shouted again.

I didn't respond. I only grabbed another bottle of Smirnoff from my secret stash. I opened it and took a large swallow. I coughed lightly after. I heard a sound like a paper clip touching a metal doorknob, though I know that wasn't what it was. My door handle shook and the door creaked open. Edd came charging in. He grabbed my forearm and started to drag me out of my room. I trashed but not much, I haven't really been asleep much. Matt was making me a diner. He grabbed a plate and started to put food onto it. Matt turned around and set the bowl in front of me.

"Wallah!" Matt smiled.

Though I would never admit it, Matt's cooking was better than Edd's. I picked up the fork as I stared at the spaghetti noddles Matt made me. I stuck the fork in the pile of spaghetti and twisted the fork. Matt and Edd watched me closely, making sure I ate my food. I watched them closely in return. When I was done eating, Edd dragged me over to the couch while Matt washed the dish and fork.

"Come on, I know what you wanna watch." Edd grabbed the remote and turned the channel. "The Cats!"

I sat, blankly staring at the Tv, but I wasn't watching it.

"No? Alright... how about..." He changed the channel again. "... The Children!?" Edd was failing miserably at cheering me up. "Ugh! Your impossible!"

I cracked a smile.

"Thank you, F/N."

--Your Pov--

You kept thinking back to times in the past. When you were left home alone with Tom, you would try to convince him to stop drinking.


"Tom, please? Even for me, you won't stop drinking?" You begged.

"I'm sorry F/N, the answer is no." Tom looked at you.

You stomped your foot. You have tried everything. You tried hiding it, he found it. You found his wallet and made sure he couldn't go buy some, he borrowed some of Edd's money and payed him off when you gave Tom his wallet back. Nothing worked.

"Ugh! Your impossible!"

Tom cracked a smile.

"Thank you, F/N." He said.

==End FlashBack==

"Alright F/N, I'm back." Tord walked in.

Before the door closed behind him, you could see Paul laying on the ground, motionless.

"So, what do you want to do?" Tord asked.

You thought for a moment.

"Have a look around? Yeah, let's do that."

You stood up from Tord's bed and he let you out the door. Paul stumbled up and away, holding his head. Tord locked his arm with your's. You walked with him. He showed you rooms like the cafeteria, shooting range, sleeping stations, and whatever else.

"How did you even become leader, Tord?"

"Paul and Patryk made me come along because the old leader said that I would be a great addition to the army. Apparently Paul and Patryk were already soldiers of this organization and were sent to the college undercover to recruit me. While I was away, I became one of the top soldiers. I was so good, I was allowed to challenge the leader if I wished. And, of course, I did. He died, I won, and now I'm the leader." Tord answered, sounding proud of himself.

"Cool." You said.

//Time Skip\\

You and Tord just finished brushing your own teeth and putting on pajamas, of course THAT was separate. You snuggled into the covers, they smelled like Tord did, obviously. Shortly, Tord joined you in his bed. He wrapped his arm around you and he pulled you closer. Which, you just noticed, he does a lot.

"Goodnight my princess." Tord whispered.

"Night..." A yawn interrupted your sentence. "... my prince." You fell asleep after.

//Time Skip\\

You opened your eyes and sat up. You rubbed your eyes and looked around. Tord wasn't in his bed, and he wasn't in the room. You spotted a open drawer and his pajamas on the end of the bed.

'He must be up already.'

You jumped out of the bed and put on some clean morning clothes. You put your pajamas next to Tord's, on the end of the bed. You closed the drawer door and you stepped outside. People walked past and spotted you here and there. They would wave and smile. You waved back and soon headed off in a random direction.

'Wonder where he would be at this time.'

You walked into a bar guarded by two tall soldiers. Smoke hit your face strongly when you walked in. You coughed while you made your way through the bar. You didn't necessarily like people smoking because they are basically killing themselves but you never bothered them about it. You spotted a familiar back of a haircut. You walked over to them. They were laughing with a friend. You sat in the seat next to them. They didn't have a beer or cigarette or anything, they only stayed with their friend. They were talking in Norwegian, you didn't understand the words. If you remember their names correctly, Patryk laughed at Paul's words.

"Vil du ha en giftig potet?" Laughed Paul.

"Nei. Jeg har det bra." Patryk responded.

"Um... Patryk is it?" You tapped his shoulder.

He turned around and smiled at you.

"Oh, hey. Do I... know you?" He put his hand to his chin.

"I think we met at the college party a few years back." You grabbed his collar and brought his face close to your's. "You were looking for your friend with the large eyebrows." You released his collar.

"Oh yeah, I remember you." He smacked his head.

"Who is this Pat? Got a girlfriend?" Paul teased.

"What!? No! No offense F/N but I would never chose you." Patryk blurted.

"None taken." You sat back in the chair.

"Besides Paul, Red Leader would be beyond furious if he found out that I liked her or something. I don't like you though so don't worry!" Patryk panicked.

You sat, amused. He kept explaining to Paul. He kept rambling on and on and on. Freaking out here and there.

'Darn, how will he handle his life without me?'

(I have a sneaky suspicion that Patryk likes F/N, or you, or whatever. Same difference. By the way, the art is by one of my favorite artists on tumblr. Their name is comixartist. Check them out! I should be sleeping.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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