Chapter Sixteen

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--Your Pov--

Your face fell.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry to hear that. You had a tough life." You say.

"And still do." He sighed. "But now I have you, my love." He pulled you onto his lap.

A grin came across his face as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I've been thinking. When should the wedding be?" He asked, stroking your H/C hair like a cat.

You thought for a moment.


"Can you arrange it for some time this week?" You asked, lifting your head from his shoulder.

"If that's what you want, I'll MAKE it work." He answered, kissing you lightly.

In the short time the kiss lasted, you kissed back.

//Time Skip\\

You sat next to your brother in the melee stations. He was beating up a punching bag. He lifted his fists and swung his right arm, then his left, and jumped and threw a backwards kick. You ducked his incoming boot. You jumped up and looked at his tensed up shoulders.

"Where did you learn to do that?" You ask, knowing the Red Army didn't teach anyone here or nor did they offer it.

'Maybe they don't know every single move like Clyde had said.'

"I taught myself to do that set of moves together. I call it, 'The All-Round-Er'." He made a rainbow gesture with his hands. "You know, because I strike right, left, then right again?"

"Yeah, yeah. I understand the name." You said. "So, how IS the Red Army base? To you I mean. What do you REALLY think."

"I already told you and Red Leader. Why do you want to know something you already do know?" Justin asked, turning to you and leaning on the punching bag.

"Because I feel like you were lying. After all, last time it WAS in front of your Red Leader." Justin shot a look at you when you said 'Your Red Leader'. "Come on, just you and I now?"

He growled before answering.

"Fine." He quickly snapped. "I truly DO HATE this place. Though the medicine IS good, I hate the rest of it. There is nothing to do, and I'm not planning on starting to smoke or drink and get drunk." He rolled his eyes at his own statement.

"Well... you took the pledge so you're part of us now. What are you planning?" You ask.

"I'd be planning SOMETHING if I could think of SOMETHING." Justin paused. "Hey? Where is Patr-"

The doors behind you flung open as Patryk walked up to you. He grabbed your arm and started to lead you somewhere. After a second or two... or 10, you were next to Patryk and in front of Paul. Paul had tears streaming down his cheek. His left cheek was wet with tears as the right side was dry.

"Okey, F/N. Paul here thinks I used to love him. I don't believe him so he told me to go get you, took awhile but I found you. Is he correct?" Patryk asked with his arms crossed.

Paul looked up at you with a sad eye.

"You... don't remember? None of it?" You ask, amazed.

"N-no, he don't." Paul sniffed.

"You don't remember almost shooting him about three times yesterday?" You sit down on the ground.

"Yesterday is a blur." Patryk shrugged.

"And... you don't remember Red Leader and I stepping in when you two were... uh hem... smooching?"

"Eh... gross." Patryk gagged. "No. Thankfully."

"Oh Patryk!" Paul stood up and grabbed Patryk by his collar and started to shake him. "Why can't you remember? What happened? I thought you loved me. Were you playing me? Who's this other man!?"

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" You pull Paul off of a slightly freaked out Patryk. "I don't think he likes another man."

"But he used to like ME." Paul countered.

"Yeah but-... whatever." You rolled your eyes and turned to Patryk. "What is the last thing you remember from yesterday?"

"I believe the last thing I remember from yesterday is... when I was sitting down in those old, dusty, and rotting cells under the Medi-cells. I hate being there." Patryk shivered. "Those... turned soldiers."

"Wait... turned soldiers? When I was down there, I didn't see any troops down there. I only saw monster what-cha-ma-call-its." You strain your brain on remembering if there was anyone in those other cells.

"Those ARE the turned soldiers." Paul rubbed his eye. "What did you think 'Turned Soldiers' meant?"

Your heart skipped a beat and it wasn't because you saw a handsome man like Tord or Tom. It was because of fear.

"Y-you mean...." You couldn't finish the sentence.

"Yep, we tested stuff on them at one point. We are trying to come up with something to help in our wars." Patryk shrugged at the last part.

"I... I need to sit down." You turned around and headed away.

You walked for what seemed like some time. You soon found yourself in the Medi-cells building. You walked down the everlasting hallway. Some patients peaked out their doors at you as you passed. You glared at them and they would retreat back into their rooms. You stepped foot by foot down the stairs. The familiarness of the light given off by the torches refreshed in your memory. You walked down until you found cells E-95 and E-96. You banged on the bars of cell E-95. The turned soldier awoke with a loud yawn and crawled up to the bars. He grasped them above you and looked down at you. You stood your ground as his eyeless face stared at you. You actually had no idea if he could see or if he's just been here long enough to the point he knows every crook and cranny of his surroundings. His white diamond in his forehead glowed dimly.

"I know you're there. I want you to know that I know." He said.

You blinked and cleared your throat.

"We need to talk."

(I can't stop writing and it's a problem. I need some help. Not help with writing, I'm mean help with stopping to write.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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