Chapter Seventeen

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--Your Pov--

"About what?" The skyscraper of a monster asked with his normal rough and shaking voice. "Since when does anyone WANT to talk to me or Frithjof?"

"Since now." You countered. "What happened before you became... this?" You ask slowly as you examined all the inhuman traits that corrupted his body.

He gave a low growl as he turned his head to his hands, which were still on the bars. The white diamond in his forehead changed to a deep red, like the pool of blood Patryk left on the ground when he was being rushed into one of the medical rooms. You looked around his cell for a moment and had realized he had a tail. It was pure white like the rest of his skin and fur. It was skinny and winding like a snake. The tip of his tail had some light blue ruff on it. He flicked his tail side to side in an angry way. You guess your question didn't make him so happy.

"I was a fine soldier before this new Red Leader came along. I was partnered with my brother over there, Fridtjof." He slid his hand off the rotting metal bar and extended his finger towards the cell across from him. "Cell E-96. That's where Fridtjof is. We had a life like your's, before this new Red Leader guy."


Just you THINKING it was Tord made you HATE yourself. You wanted Justin to just come and do The All-Around-Er to you. You looked over at the dark cave where Fridtjof was. He was sat up against a wall. Avoiding the light the torches gave off. He also had a tail and blended very well with his surroundings. At the tip of his tail was were about six or seven sharp spikes that were flattened down to kinda look like one big spike. His smokey black fur and skin made him difficult to see in the cell he was in. Unlike the other cells, Fridtjof had no torches in his cell. The others, however, did. You guessed it was because he was kinda like a vampire. When you first met him, he did pull his hand out of the torch light and back into the shadows of his small prison.

"He can't be in any sort of light no more. His new body is too tender to it." Your new monster friend said, bringing his hand back to the bar and resting it upon the bar once again. "Did I introduce myself yet?"

You looked back at him when he started to talk again. His deep red diamond slowly shifted back to a pure white so it matched the rest of his fur and skin. Sure, the feathers on his tail and his horns were light blue but other than that, he was pure white. You shook your head no to answer his question. He shifted on his monstrous feet and whipped his tail across the empty and dull gray cell he was being held prisoner in. He let out a long and heavy sigh before he breathed to speak his name.

"My name is Fridthjof. I used to be a sniper in our small hideouts we have spread throughout the forest. My brother would always be by my side when I needed him. I thought that our lives couldn't get worse but oh boy! Was I wrong. Look at me. WHAT AM I?" Fridthjof started to rattle the bars that held him caged in the dimness of the cell. "I WANT TO GO BACK!" He roared as he rattled the bars even more fiercely.

Rust and dust fell to the hard, cold, and cracked floor. You watched as his pure white diamond changed back into the deep red he had earlier. You assumed the diamond in his forehead showed his emotion. White means something alongside bored and deep red-you were now positive-was rage. You panicked and tripped backwards. Your back hit the bars of Fridtjof's cell. You heard his shifting of getting up so you crawled away from his grasping range. You looked back and watched as two large smokey black claws swiped at the spot you once sat. Fridthjof was roaring and rattling the cell bars like mad. You heard boots start to beat down onto the hard floor-many of them. You stood up and dusted off your knees and a shoulder. The sound of heavy boots passed you and stopped just ahead. Troops were trying to tame the turned soldiers. They first tried to negotiate with Fridthjof and Fridtjof, but they still attacked. You watched as a soldier stood too close to Fridtjof's cell. Before you knew it, Fridtjof jolted his claws forward and grasped the soldier. He sliced his other claw along the soldier's neck. Bright red sprayed into the cell and dripped onto the ground. It ran down his neck and covered some other troops that happened to stand and watch as you had. Fridtjof released the blood gargling troop. He attempted to reach up to his throat but fainted and fell to the floor. But now you KNEW he was dead. Every troop started to continue their efforts of trying calm the two beasts.

'One of your friends just DIED! Do you not care!?'

You wanted to scream your thoughts to them but what good would that do? They might not even hear you anyways, not with Fridthjof making all the noise.

"TURN US BACK! DO IT!" He screamed, starting to jolt his tail side to side like a cat tail. "LEAVE US ALONE! GO AWAY!"

'Fridthjof, if you want them to turn you back, they have to be there. They can't be gone or else you can't get helped.'

The soldiers finally all stepped back. One grabbed his gun and loaded a colorful dart into it. He rose the gun and shot into the cell. It hit Fridthjof's neck. He jerked backwards and started to reach for the dart that had stuck in his neck. His arms trembled and he slowly started to fall to the ground. The soldier turned around and loaded the same color dart into his gun and shot.

(I'm just gonna say... I'm going to see how detailed I can make this because I have a lot of pictures I want to use for each chapter so I'm going to do what I call 'Stalling'. And it's also literally 01:39 in the morning right now. Fridays are awesome!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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