Chapter Twenty-Nine

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--Your Pov--

You walked down the column and looked down the rows.

"Patryk!" You hollered as he ran over to you. "Wait by the flag."

He nodded and did he was told. You continued to walk.

"Carl! Henry! Jake! And Paul!" You hollered again as they went over to wait by Patryk. "Jacob!" You noticed that Fridthjof was next to you.

"How are you doing?" You ask.

"I feel great again." He said.

You nodded and continued walking.

"Danny! Casey! Clyde! Drake!" You hollered and then counted. "You 10 go to my office and wait." You ordered and they went off.

You then started to look for other soldiers that looked like they would do pretty well.

//Time Skip\\

'I have 48 chosen... no one else looks strong enough to fight or anything.'

You scanned the crowd.

'Well, there are two but there's no way I'm gonna let them fight.'

Then, suddenly someone shouted.

"Let me fight!" Your brother yelled.

Everyone turned to him.

"No." You said. "I can't let you fight."

"But I want to!" He stepped out of the crowd.

You approached him at the same time.

"Justin... I can't have you fight. This is dangerous and if this plan fails then I don't want you getting hurt." You said.

"I won't get hurt!" He returned. "I know I'm your little brother but I'm not a kid anymore. For Pete's sake, I was one of the best soldiers in the British Army. I can do this." He said, determined to get you to agree.

You stayed silent, thinking.

'But I don't want him HURT!'

"But...." You stopped as someone else yelled from the crowd.

"I wish to fight alongside you too Red Leader!" You watched as Fridthjof walked out of the groups of troops. "I would make an excellent addition."

Now Fridthjof and Justin stood in front of you. You breathed in hard, hating this.

"Fridthjof? Even after what you had to deal with down in the Medi-Cells?" You ask, waiting for his response.

"I took the pledge 10 years ago when I joined, but I still remain loyal to the Red Army. No matter who the Red Leader is and what they do." He firmly answered.

You looked at Justin.

"And besides Justin, I thought you actually didn't like the Red Army." You said and Fridthjof glanced at him.

"Well uh... it's kinda grown on me a bit since then." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Besides, I know no one else here wants to actually fight and I'm supposed to support your ideas and respect you... since you're my older sister...?"

You breathed out and cracked a fake smile.

"Well... I know I'm gonna regret this but... you two can fight alongside me." You nodded.

They looked at each other and fist bumped each other.

"Everyone dismissed!" You announced as everyone started to walk away. "Come on soldiers! Let's see what we can do before the fight!"

They all shot their fists into the air and followed after you. You picked up the original 10 and brought everyone to the Shooting Range to work on their bow skills or the Melee Stations to practice fighting.

//Time Skip\\

The sun was starting to set and your 50 soldiers looked more ready than ever. You too, had been practicing the whole time, because you knew you needed help. You had Clyde and your brother help with that.

"Attention!" Everyone calmed down and stared at you. "Let's go show that British Army to never mess with us ever again!"

Every last troop exploded with energy. They all grabbed their assigned bow and blade. You had found a bow in that secret room in the office so you used that. Everyone had a compressed 9mm pistol hooked on their belts, including you. You had everyone get behind you as you ordered the gatekeepers to open the gates. They opened and your small army marched out. First behind you was your brother. Second behind you was Fridthjof and behind him was Jacob. Then everyone else. Paul was last, making sure everyone was alright in the back.

//Time Skip\\

You held up your hand to halt the group. You slowly went forward and peaked out of a bush. Just out of the woods was a large stone brick wall. It had moss starting to grow up the side and cracks that went completely through the brick. You stepped out of the bush and into a covered area of trees and other green plants. You ran your hand along the stone. It crumbed in your hand so you dropped it. You noticed that there was a hole that ran through the whole stone brick. You sidestepped over to it and peeked inside. It allowed you to see what was going on inside part of the base. And honestly, the only way you were able to find the base was because of Jacob. He secretly followed Tord and Håvard to the base by jumping from the trees. You blinked a few times and stared through the hole. The base didn't look like it had as many soldiers as the Red Army, but that doesn't mean they do. You were hoping that no one would walk by on the other side and notice a E/C eye staring back at them.

'Boy, would that be weird.'

You pulled back and made another signal with your hand. Justin hopped out of the bush and stood next to you.

"So, what's the plan?" He whispered.

"I'm gonna see if Jacob can see the inside of the base from high up." You signaled him out of the bush. "Go."

He nodded and ran towards the wall. He hooked his fingers into the small cracks and started to scale the wall. You watched as he thought carefully about where to put his hands and feet. Soon, Jacob was just above a tree and was holding himself up over the wall ledge. Luckily they didn't have a walkway like the Red Army did now on their wall. You watched and waited for him to start coming back down. But he stayed still.

"Oh my holy fluck." Jacob said.

"Jacob! What's going on!?" You whisper yelled.

"This place." He responded. "It's crazy."

"Yeah? Well, it's gonna really be crazy if they catch you staring up there so get back down here!" You quietly demand.


"Butts are for sitting on. Down... now." You pointed to the ground.

He slowly climbed down and jumped off when he knew he could not get hurt.

"Now, was there something else you wanted to say?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"I... I saw the old Red Leader."

(It's about freakin' time you get that rescue group to the British Army base.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

Blood(Tord X Reader)(Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora