Chapter Six

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--Your Pov--

You woke up and rubbed your eyes. You dressed and found the note Tord left on the door. You went over to the melee building. When you entered, a soldier perked up and smiled ear to ear.

"Why hello. Are you F/N?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm here to learn some melee combat strategies and attacks." You answered as the troop beckoned you over into another part of the building.

//Time Skip\\

You waved back at Clyde, the soldier. He was quite nice to you. You were there for about an hour or so. You were heading back to Tord's and your building. You entered and took a shower. The hot water came down onto your skin. It felt like tiny daggers at first but you didn't mind after awhile. You washed your H/C hair and stepped out. The drops of water in your hair dropped of at the end. You grabbed a clean F/C shirt and blue jeans. You put them on and dried your hair. When you exited the bathroom, you sat at the end of the bed. You brushed out your hair and switched on the Tv. You flipped through the channels, trying to find one you liked. Finally, you found one and stopped to watch it.

--Tord's Pov--

I sat in my chair. I was signing papers. Everyone in the army had their new suits and I just finished fixing up the rest of the base. Next I'm ordering my soldiers to work on the perimeter. I'm gonna make them fix the fencing and make a wall. Then I'll have some guards patrolling the outside and taking shifts. This place is coming together, and it's because of me. I picked up the paper I just signed and set it to the side. I started to write on the next paper but was stopped.

"Red Leader Sir!" Paul and Patryk burst through my door.

"I'm sure whatever it is this time is so very important. Like last time when you did this and it was only because you said one of our soldiers were injured. Seriously, that happens a lot in an army so better get used to it." I sighed.

"We were scouting the outskirts of the fence like you ordered." Paul said. "Then we spotted Kendal. He was in a puddle of blood. He's dead!"

"What!" I stood up. "Paul, gather Henry, Carl, Jake, and Daniel, search the outskirts. Patryk, get ready to fight because we might be getting into a war here."

They nodded and set off. I turned and entered a secret room I had behind my wall. I grabbed my AK-47. I backed out and closed the door. I exited my building and walked over to a team Patryk had gathered. We heard Paul's team march to the entrance of the base. They raised their guns and looked through their scopes.

"We have company!" Paul shouted at us.

I looked through my scope and indeed, we did have company.

"Raise your guns and be prepared to fire, this is going to get nasty." I said.

The team spread out and hid behind walls or downed objects. If it wasn't over on the side, they changed it so it was. I stayed in the middle with my gun raised.

"Red Leader! What are you doing Sir?" Patryk asked.

"Are you questioning your commander?" I glare at him.

He shifted and shook his head and turned back to his gun. I was checking out the other army's forces. It was only a group of about 10 soldiers, nothing big. We were going to wipe them out. I lowered my gun as the enemies halted over the hill. I stared at the commander of the group. He wore a helmet and held a suppressed AK-47.  There was a moment of silence.

"Fire!" I shouted as I took cover.

Me being in the middle of an open space threw them off. We killed off about two or three of their men before they could process anything that was going on. I was firing next to Patryk. Paul and his group were closer to the enemies. We downed five more before the commander called to his troops.

"Retreat!" They ordered.

The leader and last two soldiers took off.

"Oh no you don't." I pushed myself up and chased after the last three.

"Red Leader? What are you-" Paul's last words were taken by the wind.

I stepped in puddles of blood and jumped over dead corpses. If I let them escape, they will get reinforcements. Our location will be compromised. I sashed my AK-47 onto my back and I grabbed hold of my 9mm pistol. I fired at them. I struck the two soldiers in their heads. They seemed to stop right on impact. They fell to the ground and laid silent. As I was running past them, I felt my foot get tugged on. I tripped and fell to the ground. One of the supposed-to-be-dead soldiers had grabbed my foot to stop me. I aimed at their skull and unloaded three bullets into their head. I pushed myself up again. The enemy was almost in the darkness and safety of the forest. I chased them as far as I could and stopped. I aimed, took a deep breath, and shot. I heard a scream and something fumble onto the grass up ahead. I smiled and jogged over. I had shot the leader in his right thigh. That gave me enough time to get to him before he could get away. Paul and Patryk jogged up to me and glared at the leader.

"Are you going to kill him?" Paul asked.

"Nah, I have other plans." I smiled darkly at the leader.

Paul and Patryk grabbed hold of the struggling commander. They followed me all the way back to the base.

--Your Pov--

You perked your head up from your pillow as you heard cheering from outside. You went over and opened the door. Tord waved at his troops as they cheered and clapped and whistled. Paul and Patryk were dragging a man by his shoulders. You squinted at him. He was trying to look brave but you knew he was terrified. He was an enemy soldier. He looked around at the new army. When he turned to you he stopped. He looked familiar but you couldn't figure out why. You leaned against the doorway, trying to figure it out. He was being dragged around a corner, but he was still looking at you.

"F/N!" He shouted before he was dragged around the corner.

Your eyes widened as a jolt of shock zipped through your body. It was your brother.

(PLOT TWIST! Bow chica wow wow! I dont know, I just wanted to do that. I literally thought of this plot twist while I was drawing dragons and EddsWorld so... yeah, ironic? I pretty much just threw down my pencil and yelled "I HAVE AN AWESOME IDEA!" Yet again that's how I react to everything and then I write it and it's just like "Eh" but still. Drawing is by molechan on tumblr. They are awesome.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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