Chapter Twenty-One

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--Tord's Pov--

"Oh no." F/N frowned. "How are we gonna get out of this?"

"I-I think I have an idea but... no one will like it... especially you." I said, hating that I had to try this.

"Well... do whatever you think you need to do and everything will be alright." F/N comforted.

I was sitting next to her on my bed and she was squeezing my hand tightly. I leaned my head against her's and closed my eyes.

"You have just a... small part in this though." I said.

"What is that?" She quizzed while shifting on the bed.

"You need to take over for me." When I said that, F/N lifted her head and was crushing my hand in her's. "Yes, I'll be leaving. I'm... I'm so sorry."

"But what happens when someone challenges me to a fight? What if no one listens to me? What if I end up making every soldier in this base die because of stupid choices I make? What if-" I shushed her with a passionate kiss.

She was asking every question I've had all this time of being leader, so I know what she was going to ask. She pulled back with a worried expression and looked into my grey eyes. I stared into her E/C eyes and brushed back some of her H/C hair.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, F/N. it's the only way to keep the base safe. And trust me, when you take over for me, you will get an answer to all your questions." I said, taking her hands in mine.

"Even to 'the meaning of life'?" She giggled.

I laughed a bit and smiled.

"Okey, maybe not ALL of your questions but most of them." I corrected and rested my forehead against her's.

"I love you F/N." I whispered.

"I love you too, Tord." F/N whispered back.

//Time Skip\\

I walked down to the cells under the Medi-cells. I went alone when I knew F/N was in deep sleep. I turned the corner and saw a light blue and white tail sticking out from Fridthjof's cell. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to E-94. Håvard was snoring on the bench. I grabbed my 9mm pistol and ran it along the cell bars, shouting "Wake up Håvard! I need to talk with you". He jerked his head out of deep sleep and slowly sat up. He rubbed his face and groaned as my voice echoed in his cell. He uncovered his eyes and plainly looked at me.

"Running out of time? Or do you have an idea in mind?" He asked, switching his position so now his legs were dangling off the side of the bench.

I hooked my gun back onto my belt and took a deep breath.

"I'm planning on giving myself over."

--Your Pov--

You were walking down into the bottom part of the Medi-cells. You peaked around the corner and spotted two guys, laughing at each other and seeming to be having a good time. You smiled and started walking towards them to meet them. But as you grew closer, they began to change. The man with dark brown hair started to grow in size and turn a smokey black. His hands turned into claws and a tail grew from above his tush. His hair froze up like ice and started to shatter off and onto the cold ground. Fluff grew to cover some of the now empty top of his head. Horns started to grow from the sides of his head. They curled so the end of the horn was facing forward. His once blue eyes were now a white in his head. His skin grew over and covered his mouth. Meanwhile, the other guy had a lighter shade of brown hair and hazel colored eyes. His eyes closed and it looked like skin just grew over his eyelids, making it look like he had no eyes. His hair shot up and caught on fire, but the flames only engulfed his hair. Soon, his hair was gone and he grew some fluff to replace it. He grew in size and started to turn pure white. He also grew a tail. Horns started to poke out of his head. They to, pointed forward. His fingernails grew until they looked as sharp as a knife. They hooked in a strange way. You guessed it was so he could grip things easier. His mouth grew wider with his transformation so you could see each and every tooth individually. There were a heck a ton more than what a human should have. His teeth had little ridges along the sides. He must have about as many teeth as a shark. You saw a bump on his forehead, but the skin around it spread apart so a diamond was visible. You were so focused on their transformations, you didn't notice their clothes ripped and teared until they fell off. But you calmed down as soon as you realized nothing bad was... well... you know. It was like that in real life and in your dreams.

'Thank goodness.'

They looked at each other and slowly twisted their heads to you in an inhuman sort of way. Your legs trembled with fear. These two were Fridtjof and Fridthjof. You knew how they acted around others. You started to back up around the corner to get yourself free from their gaze, but as soon you took your third step, Fridtjof stepped forwards and roared. It must have been loud because with the skin covering his mouth, it was muffled a bit. You watched as Fridthjof's diamond faded into a deep red and charged at you with his ridged claws outstretched towards you. The two brothers were both heading in your direction, both roaring with pain and anger. Dark smoke floated out of Fridthjof's mouth and light smoke faded into the air next to Fridtjof's white eyes. You squeezed yourself and closed your eyes, you waited for the impact, but it never came. You opened an eye to see two pairs of claws hovering over you, mid swipe. Then, in a swift second of silence, their bodies departed. It looked like a bunch of the same colored butterflies took off at the same time. The butterfly pieces of Fridtjof and Fridthjof popped in the air like bubbles. You were left standing in the empty hallway. You then felt an invisible force push you down onto the cold and crumbling ground. It pushed you so hard into the ground, the ground gave out and you fell into a bottomless pitch black pit. You watched as the only lights above you disappeared into the nothingness.

(You know, I wasn't actually thinking this book would be going for this long....

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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