Chapter Twenty-Seven

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--Your Pov--

You walked into the Medi-Cells. Patryk, Danny, Casey, and Drake stared at you as you examined all of the concoctions.

"Ma'am? What are you looking for?" Patryk quizzed behind your back.

You turned the test tubes around so you could see their names.

"I'm looking for a specific antidote. Umm... TST-1 something something." You said as Casey walked over.

"TST-107?" He asked as Drake walked over on the other side.

"Or TST-123?" Drake rose a brow.

"Uh... I don't know. But I do know it's one of these!" You grinned confidently. "We'll test them both." You picked up the tubes.

"One, TST-107 is what made Fridthjof and Fridtjof turn into what they are now. Two, not to disobey orders or question your leading skills but testing one on Fridthjof and the other on Fridtjof is probably not the best of ideas. And three, why do you have so much confidence that it's either TST-107 or TST-123?" Danny questioned as he shifted his weight onto his right foot.

"Because, Varg told me so in my dream last night." You answered.

"Varg." Patryk spat. "He sucked. And he's dead, he can't tell you anything."

"When I'm asleep he can!" You countered. "He's dead so now he can visit people's dreams."

"Oh really? Well, next time you see him in your dream, tell him to go to mine so I can show him what I think about him." Patryk growled.

There was an awkward silence that followed. You handed one vile to Casey and the other to Danny.

"We're going now. Drake, grab a syringe or whatever we need to use. Patryk, you lead with your weapon ready with those tranquilizer darts." You say.

They all nodded and Patryk pulled his 9mm pistol off his belt. He held it by his side as you followed behind. Behind you was Casey, Danny, and Drake, in that order. When you walk around the corner, you notice a light blue and white feathery tail retreat back into the cell.

"Hey Fridthjof! Fridtjof! We have antidotes!" You hollered.

Fridthjof pressed his face against the cell bars.

"You have two choices. Drake, put one in a syringe and the other in a different syringe." You ordered. "I'll allow you to choose which one you want, and whatever you don't choose, Fridtjof will get the other one.

The diamond faded from deep red to purple. He turned his head towards his brother.

"I get to chose? What if I get the right one? Can my brother have it to?" Fridthjof asked.

You now knew what the purple meant, he was scared. But he wasn't scared for himself, he was scared for his brother. That means when you watched him sleep after being knocked out, he was dreaming about something scary. This maybe? It's completely possible. You have had dreams that told you about something that could happen in the future, but they were so strange that you didn't believe it could happen. Seriously, Tord trying to kill Tom in a giant robot? You don't think so.

"I'm sorry but there won't be enough for him once you use it." You sigh sadly.

Fridthjof picked up a syringe with a light purple liquid inside, that was the one that Danny was holding. He looked like he was staring at it but remember, he has no eyes. Casey brought the orange yellow liquid over to Fridtjof. Fridtjof took no time to take the syringe and jab it into the side of his neck. Fridthjof stuck the syringe into the side of his neck when he heard Fridtjof do the same. They both pushed the liquid into themselves. Fridthjof finished first, then Fridtjof. Fridthjof dropped the empty syringe and he started to shrink. The diamond started to crumble from his head until it was completely gone. The horns also started to crack and fall off. His pure white skin started to turn tan. Danny ran off somewhere while this was happening. You stayed to watch. His feathers fell off as his tail disappeared behind him. His claws turned back into normal hands and the skin over his eyes looked like it rotted off. His transformation made horrible cracking, scrunching, and mushing sounds. Danny returned with Jake and a towel. Jake unlocked the cell door before Fridthjof finished his transformation. Danny wrapped the towel around him as Fridthjof fell to the ground. Danny and Jake helped him stand and keep his balance. You looked over at Drake and Casey. They were standing in awe.

"T-that was TST-107." Casey said. "But that's impossible! That's what turned him into what he was!"

You now stood in awe.

"The chemicals must have counteracted their own!" Drake piped up.

"Of course!" Danny spoke up. "And I believed that my antidote would help them."

Then, after Danny finished his sentence, there was a high pitched scream that shot out through the air. Everyone covered their ears. You turned your attention to who was screaming, it was Fridtjof. Smoke rose up from his skin and a burning light shone from behind his eyes. He swung his claws around his cage and he whipped his tail around.

"It's burning me!" He screamed. "H-help!"

He placed his hands on the bars. The fire inside him transferred through his hands and onto the bars. The cold and rusted metal started to heat up and turn orange and melt. Fridtjof's skin started to mend with the metal, some skin melted off and fell to the ground with the metal. He screamed even more and louder. He was being melted from the inside out. But there was nothing anyone could do.

"Quick! Someone give him TST-107!" You yell, turning around.

"We can't! There's no more left! And even if we had some, it wouldn't do anything useful! And besides, it's much too late." Patryk sadly pointed towards Fridtjof-who was behind you.

You turned back around and stared at Fridtjof's dead body. His skin still had smoke rising from it and he hung from his hands on the bars. His eyes glowed a fiery orange in the black of his irises. They stayed open, not moving.

(Sorry but I really needed to get the urge to kill a character off my mind for awhile. And I have BIG ideas that are finally coming soon! EEEEE! I'm fangirling! Shh!

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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