Chapter Two

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--Your Pov--

You waited for IT to come back. You locked your door and waited for it to come to Tord's side. It didn't come soon, but it did come. You heard something pull on your car handle. You whipped around and looked out the window. The coal black fingers retreated to under the car. You wanted to drive out but the trees blocked the way.

//Time Skip\\

You were trapped. This thing wasn't going to leave. You have been sitting in the same spot for over an hour with the death grip on the gun. You dug in the back of the seats time to time to see what else you could find. This time, you pulled out a survival knife. You found the holster for the gun and knife and put them on. You needed to find a way out though. You dug deeper into the bags and pulled out an egg-shaped item. You examined it and you packed a ton of them into your pockets. You found some more ammo for the 9mm pistol and put it in a different pocket. You searched one last time and found a service pistol and the bullets. You saw the fingers start to rise from the bottom of the car. You took one of the egg things and threw it at the fingers. The impact made them release a red smoke. Your vision was clouded as you crawled out of the car. You dashed away from the car and whatever was under it. You coughed and wiped your eyes. You didn't know what those egg-shaped things were going to do, but you didn't think that was going to happen. Soon, your eyes recovered and you stopped coughing. You ran through the woods, high hopes of getting away. It was pitch black outside, yet that didn't stop you from going as fast as you could without stopping. You came to a clearing that had some light due to the bright moon. You were prepared to shot but were not prepared to see what was in front of you. In front of you was Tord, his stomach ripped open and blood soaking into the ground. His red clothes were more red than they were supposed to be. You knew that was because of his blood. His gun rested in his right hand, his finger was on the trigger. A trail of his blood lead into the forest, you were standing in the trail. You stepped off and walked over to your lovers dead body. It looked like his face was frozen in time. You put your fingers on his eye lids and closed his eyes. Tears ran down your cheeks and dropped onto his corpse. You couldn't help but feel that this was all your fault. You sobbed slightly. After a second or two, you stopped and stood up. You turned away from him and started to run through the woods again, making sure it wasn't back in the direction of the car. You hit your toes on tree stumps and rocks. Branches tugged on your shirt and often made you stop to get out of the hold they had on you. You could hear wheels on pavement up ahead. You filled with relief. You haven't seen the Thing since you were at the car, and that was a long time ago. You went into a ditch filled with brush and small trees. You climbed up the side until you were at the edge of the road. You saw headlights coming toward you so you waved your arms while walking out closer to the middle of the road. They started to slow down and you smiled. You started to walk toward their slowing car. Your foot caught on something when you were halfway there. You looked down. You haven't caught your foot on something, something has caught your foot. You screamed and tried to yank away your foot, but it started to drag you back into the woods. The car driver looked out the window at you and watched, starting to speed up. You aimed the service pistol at the hand and shot. The bullets hit the hand, but did nothing, but you still shot. You kept being pulled into the forest, deeper and deeper each time you fired the gun. You reloaded the service pistol and looked up at where your foot was, but the hand was gone. You held your gun in both hands, ready to fight. This gun had one bullet left. You were back by Tord's dead body. The shadows looked like they were getting closer and closer. You were exhausted and tiered. You turned your head and shot. You could have sworn that there was something there. You took the 9mm pistol and looked at your ammo.
'Three bullets? Great.'
You whipped around whenever you heard rustling. You felt the hairs in the back of your neck stand up. You grabbed your knife and swung backwards. A loud high-pitched screaming rang through the woods. You covered your ears and closed your eyes. You heard the scream come towards you. You opened your eyes and shot at the Thing charging toward you. You missed every... single... shot.
'Mother clucker.'
IT pinned you to the cool grass next to Tord's corpse. You looked over at him and reached for his gun. It was at your fingertips. The creature was completely coal black. It had teeth, sharp and pointy like your knife was. The knife was in IT's hand. It swung it's head at you and tried to bite into your neck. You survived by hitting it's head aside before contact. You finally grabbed Tord's gun and you aimed it at the creature's head.

"Goodbye you son of a Mitch." You pulled the trigger.

A click came from the gun, not a bang. You opened your eyes and froze.
'The d@mn gun is empty....'
You didn't do anything. The creature seemed to smile at you. You shook as it traveled it's fingers to your chest. And in a heartbeat, you could feel the cold, retched, coal black fingers pierce through your chest. They smiled their sharp teeth and ripped out their fingers.

(Hey, the d@mn gun was empty. Maybe you should have checked that.

More To Come My Ghosties!)

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