Chapter Thirty-Three

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--Your Pov--

"Holy mother of Holy G0d!" James screams, falling onto the grass.

"What?" Tord breaths.

"No time to explain, he'll be fine." You say, starting to speed walk back towards the base.

You hurried him to the first soldiers you saw.

"Get him to a medical room now!" You order as they take Tord by his arms.

They rush off to get him help as you run back towards the small fight in the woods. You didn't want to leave your love but you couldn't afford another death. You ran faster as Fridthjof's roar became louder. You skidded to a stop as a claw was held in front of you. A low growl came from Fridthjof as he crawled in front of you. You looked over his huge shoulder to see a grenade in the leader's hand, the pin ready to be pulled.

'Holy snit.'

You couldn't help but think that Fridthjof thought the same thing at first too when he saw it. His gem was a mix of purple and red, creating a red violet color. You felt shaken at the thought of a grenade only a couple yards away from you, but that didn't stop you from giving orders. A leaf fell behind James and his leader, you glanced up, noticing Jacob and the rest of Squad 3 behind him. Squads 1, 2, 4, and 5 were huddled in the surrounding bushes.

"Take another step. Either of you." The leader taunted.

"Nah, WE won't." You smiled, nodding.

Jacob jumped down and grabbed the grenade from him, rolling across the ground. Drake and Danny jumped out of a bush and tackled James to the dirt, pinning him down. You and Fridthjof jumped at the leader. He jumped backwards and dodged the incoming attacks. He looked panicked. He growled and ran away, leaving James. Henry walked over to you, now with a scratch across his cheek that bled. You yanked the bow out of his hand and grabbed an arrow from his quiver. You pulled the string back after loading the arrow and lined the tip up with the British leader. Then you let go and watch as the arrow flys away. You heard a loud scream as the arrow entered through his right shoulder. A smile crept onto your face. The man glanced back at you before continuing to running.

"That should keep him away for awhile." You sighed.

"Agh! Let me go!" James screamed, trying to yank his arms out from under Danny and Drake.

Everyone walked up to him and looked down.

"Hey, you know what James? Maybe if you could bring my brother back to life, maybe I would let you go. But seeing that it's impossible, I don't think I will. Danny, Drake, take him to Cell J-98 please." You waved your hand dismissively.

They nodded and picked up James by his shoulders, carrying him to the base. You ordered everyone to follow you back to the base, then to get medical help if they were injured. Patryk came running up to your side.

"So what's the plan now that we have the old Red Leader back?" He quizzed.

"I'm thinking that we should let him heal, then after he's all good again, we should have the wedding. Then after that, I think he can be the Red Leader again." You answered, walking towards the Medi-Cells after entering the base again.

"I thought it didn't work that way." Patryk put his hand to his chin.

"Well, I'm the Red Leader right now and I say it works like that because I say so." You said, walking off.

You entered the Medi-Cells and went to Tord's medical room. He was on the bed with a doctor sitting next to him.

"Don't worry old Red Leader, you'll be just fine in about three days." The doctor reassured him.

"He better be." You stepped in, making the doctor jump. "I want that wedding as soon as possible so nothing can interrupt it again."

"F/N." Tord muttered.

You walked over and grabbed his hand that rested on his chest.

"You know I love you right?" He asked.

"Yes." You were confused. "Why are you asking?"

"I've lost... much blood... body hurts... am weak...." His head tilted to the side as his heartbeat slowed.

"Tord!" You panicked, glancing at the doctor who didn't seem at all worried. "Would ya do something!?"

The doctor glanced up at you and sighed.

"He's fine. His heartbeat will slow down but it will pick up again. Besides, there's always gonna be a doctor here to keep an eye on him so he won't die." The doctor checked the papers on his clipboard.

"Hey, what's your name anyway?" You quizzed, changing the subject.

"Bjørn." He nodded. "At your service."

"I don't want you at my service, I want you at his." You pointed at Tord. "And if he does die Bjørn, I will tell Fridthjof to tear the flesh right off your body and hang you by your feet with metal stakes pounded into them until you bleed out. Got it?"

He sunk down in his seat and nodded quickly. You exited the room and went to your office.

--Matt's Pov--

I was sitting on the couch while flipping through channels. Edd and Tom were asleep already but I stayed up. Then suddenly, a wave of tiredness hit me and I turned off the Tv before heading towards my room. I decided to glance inside Tom's room before putting my foot on the first step. He was in his bed, typing on his phone. A smile grew on my face.

'Looks like he's finally found someone else!'

I then continued to head to my room, hoping that's what Tom was doing.

//Time Skip\\

We were all sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"So Tim-"


"Who were you texting last night?" Edd looked at Tim.

"No one." He muttered.

"But No One is a rude and mean person! They're the brother of Barely Anyone! They are total jerks and just push away whenever that want(totally not a 4th wall breaker from all the comments in Chapter7 of Only Two(Tord X Reader X Tom))!" Edd said.

"You're an idiot." Tom muttered.

"You're an idiot!" Edd repeated.

Tom looked up at Edd.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Tom, I-I-I didn't mean to hurt you!" Edd panicked.

Tom pushed away from the table and went to his room, slamming the door.

"Ssssshoot." Edd looked down at his bowl of cereal.

(Yo, sorry for super DUPER slow updates. Thanks for 2k, 3k, and 4k reads guys!

More Than Come My Ghosties!)

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