Chapter 34: Epilogue

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~One Month After the Final Battle - Dixie~

I don't know how this could have happened... Who or what is doing this to us? Why is the millitary chasing us down? We didn't do anything! Banjo, I wish I had the answers myself, but for now, all we can do is go on the run and escape their pursuit for as long as we can. We haven't slept, bathed, or seen any family or friends in 3 weeks. We're tired, smelly, and paranoid; we just want to be in the arms of our loved ones. But until we uncover the truth, we must continue to suffer in the shadows. Whoever has done this to us, I will make sure that they suffer a fate worse than death itself. All I ask of you is for your assistance. I know you haven't fully recoverd yet, but I hope that you can use your power as Lord to somehow help us in our time of need. Thank you Mom and I love you so much, Dixie.

"Are you going to send that to Fubukiopolis Dixie?", Banjo asked me, wearing a now, tattered black hoodie.

"Yeah, I am. I hope that the officials at Fubukiopolis can somehow clear our names of this injustice...", I said, looking down at the black hoodie that I have been forced to don to conceal my identity. "Banjo, I don't know what's happening, but I promise you, I will get things back to normal, I swear it! I just hope that the millitary doesn't kill us in before then......" 

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