Chapter 28: The Ticking Clock

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After the smoke cleared, I looked around to see where Hana could have gone to; I was able to spot her hiding behind a pillar. I pulled out my bow and shot an arrow at her to flush her out of hiding, but she was able to avoid it.

"If you really wanna play this game with me Hana, that is fine with me! I get to try out a new technique anyway! Magatama no Shiryu! (lit. Dragon Jewel Eyes)" I screamed out.

My eyes became crystallized as I focused on finding her, my eyes searching for any stray sign of her Chaos Energy. I spotted her running between pillars and I appeared in front of her and sliced her with my sword, cutting her arm in two places. Blood flowed out from the wound as she staggered and struggled to keep her balance  She shot me a dirty look as she looked into my crystal eyes; she clapped her hands and fire began shooting out her eyes  towards me. 

"I didn't know that you have power over fire like that Hana! Looks like now you are finally focusing on the fight!", I said as I avoided the flames.

"You can rot in hell, you Shiryu scum! I will kill you here and now, so enjoy the last moments you have to breath!", she retorted in anger. 

"Come on, you gotta use something better than that if you wanna get inside this head! Show me what you can really do Hana!"

"I am sick of your mouth Dixie, I am finally going to kill you here and now!" Hana shot a powerful blast of dark energy at me, but my shield was able to deflect it harmlessly.

"Sorry Hana, but that won't work this time! Now I believe it is my turn to attack you... Hope you can handle it!", I said as I sheathed my sword and shield. I stared her in the eyes and she stared back with a clueless expression on her face. Slowly, it began to materialize in my Dragon Jeweled Eyes... her Chaos Energy System inside her body; I can attack it now! 

"Why are you looking at me like that you little bitch?!? Are you finally getting it through your skull that you can't beat me, or have you finally frozen in fear of my real power?", Hana said, her voice ringing with a bit of fear in it. 

"No Hana, I am just preparing for you ultimate defeat", I said, my body relaxing as my gaze was still transfixed on hers. "This is the result of all the training I did with my mom and aunts... I learned this move specifically for this moment, for when I fight you. Shiryu Sentan no Jutsu: 64 Shiryu Tenken Batsu! (lit. Shiryu Advanced Technique: The 64 Dragon Strikes of Divine Punishment )".

I began hitting her in the chest with open palm strikes, watching her body spasm in pain as my strikes grew faster and more powerful. She was unable to move let alone attempt a counter; my speed grew faster and faster until I finally hit her with the 64th hit, blasting her backwards and making her smash into a pillar. I walked towards her slowly as my Dragon Jeweled Eyes deactivated and returned to my normal eyes. 

"Goddamn it...! What is it that you did to me, you wretched girl?!? What kind of move was that!", Hana said as she tried to get up for the ground but her body collapsed in pain, causing her to scream out in pain.

"That's it! I am through playing games with you Dixie! I will finish this now with my ultimate technique!"

I looked at her with eyes darkened from use of the Magatama no Shiryu, the only known side effect on the user. I hoped that the Divine Strikes worked, for  my eyesight was affected kinda badly at the moment.

"Prepare to meet your inferior goddess! Akitoki Secret Techique: Impure Earth Extinction!", Hana screamed out loud, but nothing happened and her body nearly cracked under all the pain she was feeling. "What did you... do to me...?", she struggled to say as she began bleeding profusely from the mouth.

The Legacy of Dixie©: Darkness AboundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz