Chapter XII: The Sky Deck Offensive

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The Sky Deck Offensive

~okay, play the song now!~

We entered the gates that led through the Sky Deck and it was just what we expected it to be; it was filled with every type of weapon you could think of and Legionaires were swarming the place. What we weren't expecting was that the Sky Deck was on the outside of the ship. We would have to contend with high speed winds and heavy turbulence. We all looked at each other and plotted a course of action.

"Okay guys, we must be very careful. Do the best you can to stay on this ship, because if you get blown off, I won't be able to locate you", I told my crew. We ran onto the Sky Deck and immediately, turrets started firing at us, cannons were being shot, and Legionaires started attacking us. We dodged and weaved all their attacks and split up to better deal with the situation. Cece viciously attacked a group of Legionares using her ice techniques; she froze three of them and smashed their bodies with her hammer.

"This is way too much fun! The Legionaires are soo weak! It's like they aren't even trying to fight back!", Cece gleefully said as she smashed a giant cannon that was shooting cannonballs at her.

"Cece, you must be careful, this feels like some kind of trap..." Jazz said at he electrocuted a bunch of Legionaires. He jumped over their heads and shot a ball of lightning at a couple of turrets, disabling them. He then jumped into the air and spread a large electrical field around a large crowd of Legionaires and caused their cybernetics to malfunction.

"Silly fools, you cannot stop the power of Etro! Feel the eternal pain of the Blade of Tenebrae!", Noctis exclaimed as he cut through a large crowd of Legionaires with his blade. It shimmered brightly as he cut through them swiftly and justly as he turned towards me and smiled.

"These Legionaires are making this too easy; why do I have this ominous feeling that something bad is coming up soon?", Noctis asked as he countered a Legionaire attack and sent it back to him.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but we have to keep fighting! Keep up the fight everyone!", I said as I punched two Legionaires in the face and blasted a group with an energy blast. I punched the ground so hard that fireballs began erupting from the ground, hitting a bunch of Legionaires in the process. As we were dealing with the Legion, we were hit with a large burst of turbulence which blasted everyone back. I grabbed on to a steel pillar and grabbed on to everyone as I held on for dear life. The wind was blowing so strongly, I lost my grip onto the pillar and lost my eyesight. We screamed as we were about to fall off the Sky Deck when Cece showed off a new technique.

"It's up to me! I'll save us and the mission! Shoten Shiryu no Jutsu! (lit. Dragon Shapeshifting Technique)" She transformed into a giant dragon and picked us up. We flew back onto the Sky Deck and continued on our path to the captain's room until....

"You won't be finding Lady Hana because this is where your mission ends, dogs of the Brotherhood! I'll be finishing you myself!", we heard a voice saying as it descended onto the Sky Deck.

"Kroger? But I thought I got rid of you back on Angel Island? How are you still alive?", I said surprised at the fact that he's even alive.

"My cybernetics saved me from your attacks", he started. "The nanites in my body saved my life, for you did kill me Guardian. I was dead for awhile before my nanites kicked in and revived me. Now, I will destroy you all using the latest in Legionaire Technology!" He pressed a button and the ground revealed itself to be a launch pad; a giant robot rose out and towered over us!

"This is the latest and greatest of our weapons of mass destruction; the Master Legionaire! Are you ready to die, Guardian?", Kroger said as he jumped into the cockpit of the machine.

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